Everything wrong with OW2

Over the years of patches, blizzard has buffed damage heroes and nerfed tanks and healers dramatically. Because of this people are too depended on the performance of damage players. Games has become too decisive by the performance of damage players.

In OW2 you had 6vs6 Wich mean you also had 2 tanks making you less depended by damage players. Damage players in OW2 are known to be the most unskilled players of the game and 80% of the playerbase. Wich means as a none damage player your games will be ruined 80% of the time despite whenever you were performing good or not.

Dive tanks like Winston and Hammond were good in OW1 because you had 1 tank to protect the team and paving the path to the objective while the other tank could atack enemy backline without your own team being exposed to the enemy. But now your team is completely exposed. This game is made for 2-2-2. Not only with 2-2-2 was the gaming experience better, it was also alot more fun, creating more possibilities and strategies and plays. For example: 'i was sigma i lifted the entire enemy team in the air while my Dva threw her ulti in their face mid air. Entire enemy team lost and said gg wp nice move. People actually appreciated moves like this even if it made them lose.

See link for proof: >>>hDDps://prnt.sc/y762-OXOJ0qN<<<


You need to get better arguments if you want to be taken seriously.


they removed 1 tank from the game too improve queue time for damage players.
There were too little tank players and too many damage players. Tank was always instant game and damage was sometimes against 10 minute queue time in OW2. Nobody likes to play tank because you don’t get healed and u always get blamed for everything.

Also see linkk for proof.

I guess your proof is that you want everyone to look at your DPS and ignore the enemy team (because their DPS actually did extremely well)

Are we playing a different game? Am I in the wrong forums?

It proves how unbelievable teams are depended on the performance of their damage players.

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Sounds like youre grossly generalizing. I also see the enemy team playing Rammatra - currently one of the strongest tanks, and your team playing hog, arguably one of the weakest. If you hog isnt doing well, dps dont have space to do their job. No space means they take more damage, which often manifests as supports with artificially high healing numbers compared to the enemy team.

This is why I often think the scoreboard was a huge mistake, because people misinterpret the numbers. You probably look at the scoreboard and think to yourself “lol me and the other support hard carried our team” when that likely wasn’t the case here.

This change from 2-2-2 to 1-2-2 has made the game also a lot more sensitive / vulnerable against cheaters.

No he’s right it takes no brains to play any of the dps characters and what do they all? whinge and complain that it really does take skill and wah wah my hero got nerfed boo hoo genji is 0.1% weaker now even though he’s still one of the most broken characters since 2016 whatever will I do. I’m sick of the complaining it’s been happening ever since 2016.

actually, all characters - dps included - take some intelligence to play well

so, you are, if I am reading this correctly…complaining…about complaining?

just checking

If by skill you mean someone knows how to move a mouse and press keys on a keyboard then sure that’s intelligent but everything else? hell no. A 2 year old can play dps well.

not at all

putting aside that fact that the game isnt rated as appropriate for a 2 year old…no, a typical two year old would not be able to play any of the characters in this game at a minimally effective level, much less “well” as is claimed above

This game is fine for a 2 year old hell most kids watch mature movies and they turn out perfectly fine it’s part of being a kid and my 2 year old niece had a go at OW2 when she came over once she played solider 76 and won. It’s that braindead to play dps.

I accept that you personally feel this is the case, but that doesnt make it a fact

The game is not rated as appropriate for a two year old. That is a fact.

then your niece is exceptional.


i hope her parents choose to focus her talents on things other than Overwatch

yeah you are. now go back to the WoW forums plz.

Wait, why WoW? I quit that game like 7 years ago :sob: