Everything that ruins WBall movement List

Ally Lucio’s speed boost. Stop it. For the love of God.

Any hero’s melee. There’s a small boop effect that can decrease Wball’s speed so if you melee when he’s trying to create a fireball you can ruin it.

Mauga’s Stomp.

Mauga’s Cage.

Ana’s Sleep Dart.

Ashe’s Coach Gun.

Ashe’s Bob’s charge.

Bastion’s nade

Brig’s shield bash.

Brig’s Whipshot.

Mccree’s Hindernade.

Dva’s Thrusters.

Doom’s Punch.

Doom’s Slam.

Doom’s Meteor Strike.

Illari’s Boop Jump.

JQueen’s Knife Pull.

Jrat’s mines.

Jrat’s Steel Trap.

Lucio’s Boop.

Mei’s gun.

Mei’s Wall.

Mei’s Blizzard.

Orisa’s Spin.

Orisa’s Javelin toss.

Orisa’s Terrasurge.

Pharah’s boop.

Ram’s Vortex.

Rein’s charge.

Rein’s hammer has significant more boop than a regular melee.

Rein’s Earthshatter.

Hog’s trap.

Hog’s Hook.

Hog’s Whole Hog.

Sigma’s rock.

Sigma’s Ultimate.

S76’s Helix rocket has a mini boop effect.

Sombra’s Hack.

Sombra’s EMP.

Sym’s turrets.

Winston’s jump, whike landing.

Winston’s Primal Rage.

Enemy WBall’s Piledriver.

Enemy’s WBall’s fireball.

Zarya’s alt fire.

Zarya’s Graviton Surge.

And finallu Zenyatta’s Snap kick.

Then just about everyone can bodyblock a Ball.

That is 47 ways to hinder a Wball’s movement.

Now would people understand what Ball mains go through when we play our hero?

Yes you can outplay a lot of these, other tanks have shields, many have to just facetank it then heal from it all, but Ball is in a unique case where if he even experiences one of these things ir can cost him big time and that really sucks because other tanks have their comback mechanics and defensive abilities.

For WBall he can only pop shields for a limited time and pray that all the CC doesn’t get chained together one after the other for an endless CC train.


Now imagine what the rest of us go through when people pick ball.


All of this is applicable to Dva too just saying

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With how miserable he makes the game for everyone else, you won’t find many people who care about the plight of Ball mains. Just straight up.


You’re right. They should add more. :smile:

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Does no one care about Hampster Rights?!

“Now would people understand what Ball mains go through when we play our hero?”

Me constantly getting tossed around like a ragdoll by a 1000 hp hero that can disappear a quickly as he showed up

Believe me, I’m sure many people understand the complaints about cc.

Probably not. Ironic the cc spam hero gets countered by no other than, cc!

Like a Candarian zaftwing overtaking its prey, Hammond and his Ball of Wrecking Things swooped in out of nowhere…

And then, gathering their spoils… vanished without a trace.

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What do you think it feels like for the receiving end of your hero?

This post is so biased and pointless. Almost everything on the list affect all heroes too, most of them with lesser mobility than WB. I can hit a sleep on WB and he can still casually roll out because of his overhealth. Compare that to for example a Winston and he has to fight for his life if he even survives in the first place.

I demand a fair trial! I do not desecrate bodies!

Evidence A! Hammond is unable to crouch! Therefore he cannot teh-bag!

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Everything that WB ruins

  • any game he is in, for both teams

Hmm, that’s all I can think of, just 1 item.

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Okay you cannot have seriously met that many good Balls lately. Hog rework, Sombra rework, Mauga’s release.

Like I am surprised to see people still are spiteful that Ball exists, but is like a low tier tank.


I think for many other people, wrecking ball is annoying to play against due to the knock backs and just how fast he is. And a lot of people simply do not know how to take advantage of him when he’s on your team.

I do love playing him though. He doesn’t fit every situation but he’s a total blast to play. And most wrecking balls I go against are easy enough to kill.

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Too many people going on about how “miserable” he is to play against. Im sorry, but I just burn him too easily on Reaper, and make his own life hell with Brigitte (I can actually hit whipshots :smiley: )

my favorite is to just walk towards him if he’s trying to ramp up speed.

That is such a dumb way to counterplay a tank that relies on movement.

Just literally hug the Ball and he can’t swing or do anything, but unball and fire back, or just retreat to a space where he can.


That hamptur is CCed. Release the hedgehog Krotoan!

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wow you really put the knockback from soldier 76 helix rockets

i’m impressed