Everyone quitting

All the streamers and top ranked players in overwatch are raging about the meta and que times, Seagull said he refuses to play atm until patched. Players are waiting 45 min to play 1 match that usually ends in seconds bc of so many leavers recently. 1 match an hr is all a lot of ppl can get in bc nobody wants to play tank or support bc of this meta.

If something is not done soon overwatch is about to lose a lot of it’s player base. This is the opinion of most of the top players and streamers, the ones who bring in more players, don’t help devs are silent on the entire subject and also nothing happening on the ptr.


i think the damage is done. I don’t see a lot of people making the come back for the next patch. 2-2-2 had a worse introduction than LFG and more or less alienated an entire class with long queue times. Me and some friends 6 stacked yesterday and once we got on point the enemy teams tanks left immediately. Before they did they said oh well we get insta queues and might get better dps. So people who had to wait in queue for atleast 6+ mins get screwed over by their tanks and more than likely wasted their time in queue. That’s a huge problem and not the first time I have seen it happen this patch. Not to mention hero’s that are valid in this patch are super boring to play and needs to be tweaked.

In all honesty if all the patches with hero’s up until now we’re for 2-2-2 and you screwed the game up this bad then things need to be looked at internally because this is atrocious.


That’s why i hate forced 2-2-2 Comp.they should give players the option to play standard Comp alongside 2-2-2.

If a team ends up with 6 DPS, it’s on them to adapt or lose.


I watched some dafran stream a few days ago and he quit the game too saying that he understand that the game is why he’s so popular and how he lives but it’s just so bad right now that he can’t just play the game

I personally uninstalled today too after playing a game of Sigma/Orisa and then dodging 5 games where the matchmaking was absolutely dog chocolate. They finally put in role queue and fix one thing but then release a broken hero and tweak the MMR system and break 2 things. They need to hire a new dev team that’s responsible for the matchmaking and balancing


I dont think you understand the gravity on the situation.


Its not just Competitive. Quickplay is just as bad. Somehow, if you have a team member leave at the start of a Quickplay match, and you guys grouped up before, thats it, you won’t be getting someone else. QUICKPLAY OF ALL PLACES. This was never a problem before. Like, I understand that people hate when you get placed on a started match that is like 4 seconds from ending, but for the most part, you always got backup… but nope… Im talking about being a 5v6 for the whole match, from the moment your characters appear on spawn.

This is terrible. And its worse when its the other support player who leaves in quickplay because Im stuck solo healing, and no one can change, even if they are willing to do so.

Had this thing happen 5 times today. Just today. LFG and 2-2-2 are screwing each other over.

Quickplay isn’t even fun anymore with the forced 2-2-2 (sure, I can play the Classic version, but no one really makes LFG Classic groups, and when I make mine, not many people join either, takes forever. Doesn’t help since Im a night person, playing OW on my free nights from like 9pm to 6am… when no one besides people who love get high and a few comp players… and Im on the US servers.)


And here I am, having a blast playing Quickmatch or Ranked 2-2-2. :wink:


Hey you know what, as a nay sayer predicting this just like a gazzilion other players. SURPRISE! Half these streamers and youtubers are among the dumbest individuals when it comes to games I ever saw in the first place. Feels like they just try to hype up things of complete irrelevance cause they failed to abandon ship when it OW sank.

Most of them come of as bitter Youtubers desperate to get some cash coz they missed the fortnite crayzzz.

Like everyone knew 2/2/2 was the most played composition, it did not mean it was the most successful one nor the most adequate one for every given situation. People flexed before, a lot of people were just not good enough players to advance in a game rigged against them. And yes it is… “forced” 50%. For no reason at all, all my activison games has exactely around 50% win rate in them. Trying to force further player engagement anyone? Any knowledge in current company business plans and strategy and you know these basic things and tricks used today. It is all about hijacking your systems, just like social media.

Edit; seagull is a pretty chill and cool guy thou, but he does make mistakes, maybe not on the level as some others thou.


You were sooo close, too.

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Everyone eh? You dont speak for everyone else.

Sure the minority might be quitting but people are still playing this game & I am.

But im not sad losing a couple toxic players/complainers here & there.

And devs might be silent cause of the ow2, switch, etc. So cant really blame them atm cause I doubt that they’re just extra busy this year since they themself said that the schedule will be different this year.


They should just make it so players above masters don’t have role lock.


Might play overwatch once a week now, used to play daily before 222. Would rather watch Masterchef. Says it all.


Yeah no.

Thats the wost solution to suggest buddy. They wont never do that.

no, either everyone has it or no one does. this game already caters to the top 1% more than anything else as it is …


Honestly, I hear people saying ‘Don’t listen to or base balance on pros’ and then it’s ‘Pros are quitting because they think the balance is wack. Listen to them’ Seems all hypocritical to me



I haven’t quit but my playtime has been 80% lower than it used to. Before if I was bored would play OW. Now rather watching yt videos, reading.

Regardless of what everyone says, forced 2 2 2 wasn’t because the community wanted it. But because devs couldn’t get rid of goats as OWL was becoming extremely boring to watch.
The worst part of role que: waiting forever as dps only to get people not playing their main roles (tank main here but have 20-30% dps play time). If someone in your team isn’t playing their role, you can only hope your opponent has same thing. Otherwise it’s gg.

Not to mention Orisa or Sigma is more boring to play than torb’s turret. Especially given Sigma is busted, no challenge whatsoever. Especially if you know how to play most tanks.


It’s not about catering to them; it’s about making the game playable for them. They’re the ones experiencing these outrageous queue times. Lower ranks are fine for the most part. 5-10 minutes per game is tedious, but nothing absurd.


Explain why instead of just saying “yeah, no.”

Waiting for Halo MCC to come out. If I play, it’d be that rather than this. WAY better comp experience over there than this.

Cant you think it for yourself for a second?

222’s here to stay regardless if people threw temper tantrums about it or not.

Or if every metas are gonna be tRaSh… Cause there always be metas what people are gonna complain about or saying how bOriNg they are, etc.

But this 1 guy thinks that it’s a good way to scapegoat 222 into this meta by suggesting to disable it masters-above.

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