Everyone is oblivious about the game obj & I can't find help

How is everyone left playing this game oblivious about the objective and how does Accounting support think I made the game objectives up in my head?

Hey guys, I need your help PLEASE. it’s been over a year now that I made a discovery in this game that has lead my main ACC all of a sudden after more than a year of play to be silenced and then suspended countless times the past year since I started feeding and having to ask for help in all my games!? I bought a new game beginning of this year when you first silenced my acc silver near enough gold. That acc has ALSO been suspended countless of times, and guys I’ve reported SO many people for abusive chat, and they still play on, also gameplay sabotage but nothing gets done BCS everyone left playing this game thinks I am the one feeding in all my games since I discovered the game…

I’ve asked support countless times to help me, but they will not. Keep closing my tickets as resolved with nothing being done.

I’ve been copying and paying this in all my games the past year, which guys have in itself led to my acc being suspended, reports of SPAMMING IN CAPITAL LETTERS the following…

Hey guys, Attack and Defend is both the same, spawn camp. Attacker sits on point, not defender: Only to get onto point to Contest Capture (3x as quick having 3 on point). Not the whole ARMY back to point, keep up defences glhf


The payload is tug-of-war (use as cover on attack/defend), backwards on its own, attack 3x forward depending on how many on point and contest to stop. It also heals attacker slow but sure

I’ve asked support to pls arrange for that to be injected into General Chat for EVERYONE left playing this game to see when the game starts, but alas NO! And why? Bcs, I eventually went to Twitter to try to find help, after asking me what can be done to make the game better, I again asked to please paste that for me in chat so that I don’t have to do it, but no I made that up in my head, no who am I to tell YOU what the objective of YOUR game is, and I should go back in the game BCS everyone should have the same objective in mind! PFT

I get help with the payload these days, yeah… BUT, no one will help me get off of the point on Defend on the control maps! ~10 games the past year, it’s just a constant S T F U (not allowed here so had to split it, but you see I report HOW many for saying that to ME and they play ON) if I find you I will KILL you etc etc my acc is suspended they play on.

If I DON’T ask for help, then it’s 'Hey everyone in Gen Chat report our ANA for FEEEEDING) when I am jumping on point to ATTACK when all Orissa’s run-up to point, stops short of getting ON to point and drops her shield, game over DEFEAT! I report that Orissa for gameplay sabotage, nothing happens BCS I am the one feeding in everyone’s eyes right?

I get people to understand get on point to attack but then they still think they know what defend is :confused:

Another thing I discovered the past year is this. When people discover this game they stop playing, why… Bcs no help from anyone in the game, blizz support won’t help, games all ruined, being told to S T F U left right and centre. That is why there is a silver, gold, plat and DIAMOND mixed in with all the bronzes, not enough ‘experienced’ players left playing to group them all up!

I am sure if you look at statistics re user retention, you will find people STOP playing this game when they are around SILVER!

The first objective, MAYBE under the bridge, then, oh that didn’t work, all run back to point to the SECOND objective… Oh no, that didn’t work, let’s try sitting BEHIND the point all day long (here comes the payload). All Orissa runs up to point, throws don’t her shield and starts shooting… Oooh, game over, defeat… get on POINT PLS!!!

I no longer play control maps, I quit those games so quickly rather back to QUEUE instead of no help, defeat after defeat, S T F U etc

How is comp COMP? Guys can’t STOP the payload, and they cannot push it past the first BEND when roles reverse?

I’m so annoyed and frustrated and you can probably see that in my essay.

Everyone left playing is either on point when NOT meant to (sitting on point on defend) and NOT on point when MEANT to, on ATTACK and on defend to CONTEST! This game is ridiculous guys :confused:

Where do we go from here?

This related no response :confused: back in May