Everyone in plat and lower should never que solo

stop queing solo and rolling the dice when you are not good enough to hard carry like a smurf. make groups and at least before the game starts you can see if you work together or not. soooo many people always complaing in this game because they play very specific but then go into solo que. if you check the groups its literally like maximum 3 groups for comp at any given rank. like it makes no sense. you can find out if people have mics, if you have a someone that can play shield tank/ main heals etc.

My friends stopped playing OW, and group finder is barely active, and if any groups are there they will kick me because I don’t speak Russian/French.
How should I queue?


you are absolutely right that is why i’m saying everyone needs to do this. cause then there would be way more groups and everyone can find groups that they can play with and will accept them for there language hero or whatever preferences. but the problem is everyone is solo queing hoping to get lucky or just not going to even work with there team cause they know they will not have those things.

and by now we have to know well enough that blizzard isnt going to get it right so its up to us really.

We will just stop queing, simple

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exactly why blizzard doesn’t care to fix the game cause they know the community will just do whatever blizzard wants no matter how bad it is for the player base. blizzard community is the only community that they had to put training wheels on so people would even play properly with 2-2-2. did they just pull 2-2-2 out of thin air. no the community knew this was the most optimal way to play. but is so childish they couldn’t do that. they didn’t have to make LoL or Dota two supports mandatory one top lane one bottom. there equivalence to plat and up you have that all the time. when a new hero comes out the community just doesn’t play them for the first two weeks not the gaming company have to make the hero not playable for the first two weeks. this community is a joke and completely makes sense why blizzard doesn’t make any changes that actually help comp.

If you hate it so much, why are you still here?

game is great just ruined by the developers and the community but concept is one a of a kind and has potential to be a staple game to cross over to mainstream. but blizzard community is the type of community that represents all the negative stereotypes that non gamers believe to be all gamers. (WoW literally non gamers think are for losers whether that be the case or not)

this is the first blizzard game i’ve ever played and honestly its cause i thought they had so much money they could do it right. but should have know when they had dota but instead another company made it from there game cause they don’t know how to make anything competitive. oh yeah and then they tried Heroes of the storm and it complete failure even more proof they had no chance with dota.

End of the day im sure you have eaten food because if was good even though the service was terrible.

Game good community developers bad.

when i say community not OW people, but people that play OW that came from other blizzard games. anyone that plays wow or diablo and thats the type of experience they want has no business having an opinion in the competitve aspect of this game, not when blizzard promoted such a pro league and professional ladder and mindset.

Learn2RussianFrench :joy:

LMAO. This game is based off of TF2. So no, OW isn’t a one of a kind concept. They just took TF2 and made it there own which yes is a great game just the worst comp mode I have seen.

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You don’t have to carry hard to progress. You just have to carry enough so your close games are never lost.

I climbed from low gold to plat with dps and tank. All by myself. I dont need or want to get carried by others.

Why would you group below diamond ?

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climbed from bronze to diamond solo que’ing, don’t @ me


LFG groups are still six strangers though

we need this, I’d never use solo queue again

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Sorry, but this post is basically a “I want a feature where I can invite top500 people together for a team with 99% win-chance so I can win a game in the name of LFG QoL”.
LFG could use some tweaks, I admit, but it’s not as bad it seems.

So your solution to games being hard to carry is having even more fixed rails that make the quality of the matches even more demanding even for casuals?
Like do you realise that nobody would play ranked anymore if they have to wait to form a stupid group just to get rolled by an actually cohesive team? Damn son…

right now I’m a 2400sr support

if I want to find 5 other people that are 3400 and play with them, there is nothing wrong with this, it is well within the rules to do so

if the MMR system were to be made public, you would probably see that me teaming up with five 3400s would afford me no advantage whatsoever in terms of SR gains.

I also guess Paladins doesn’t exist

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You sound like someone who hasn’t played in group much. Anything over duo actually makes the game harder. Unless you’re epically bad and just getting boosted as a damage boosting mercy, etc.

i find the games way harder when you make a premade, because they match you against another premade - usually with more exp playing together, you get stomped and your group instantly falls apart