Everyone Hates Sombra

I don’t think we’ve ever seen such a universal hatred for a singular hero as much as we have right now with Sombra. Sombra players are catching strays in match chat all the time now, and it’s hilarious, somewhat deserved, but still unnecessary.

I mean I get it. She’s incredibly infuriating to play against and she counters pretty much any hero that relies on mobility, which tend to be the more popular heroes. She can successfully duel with a silence, a DoT, an escape option, and invisibility to top it all off. To say she’s terribly designed is an understatement.

I really don’t get what they were going for with this current version of her. If it was to make her less annoying to play against, they failed miserably. If anything, she’s even more annoying than she was before.

Heroes can be strong and not be miserable to play against. I think they’ve forgotten that.


She’s just poorly designed. Even when she’s bad she’s miserable to play against. I still hate hog more though


I play mainly tanks, and not the ones Sombra shuts down. She is irrelevant to me.

Just don’t be hateful? :rainbow_flag:

I thought you were a Reinhardt Giga Chad? Not that I feel Sombra shuts him down on her own; however, she is definitely up there on the most oppressive DPS to play against behind Bastion, Pharah, and Mei. The rest of the DPS do not really matter too much.

Albeit, I have to admit, my Sombra hatred has definitely calmed itself after one tricking Reinhardt. I would rather get EMP’d into a hook that kills me than deal with her on a squishy. :joy:

She can duel if she has the advantage and it’s a 1v1 the whole time and not every hero. So many restrictions

A Sombra main


except sombra players and one-tricks that can’t deal with dive

delete the purple roach from the game


7 hours away from 1000 to date.

Hack doesn’t stop a hammer.

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They didnt forget about it. They are in denial.

They probably consider her design “unpopular” but not “unhealthy”


I like Sombra.

10 char


They want this game to be what it’s not.

the funniest part is that the tilt factor is genuinely a part of her gameplay. As a sombra player before any messages are sent (and trust, win or lose they will be) i can literally see, in real time, which enemies are getting frustrated/desperately want the sombra kill and which ones know that the best way to counter her is to just stop splitting up.

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I hate her since her rework - as a support main. I like her as dps player.
But seriously…yesterday I got spawncamped by her - she killed me like 5 times and made me switch twice, till I made it back to the team.

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Permastealth character is somehow essential for the RPG devs for no reason.

RPG devs usually don’t play the game, and design and evaluate characters on paper. They place more value on their own game fantasy rather than the actual gameplay.

The result often ends up with interesting concept and bad gameplay.


Yeah, you don’t speak for me. Thanks.

crazy part she is a mid hero or not as strong as some dps but yea… giving burst damage to a stealth hero (virus rework) was a bad idea and i dont know what they were thinking when they did that. why they blue lighted that is beyond me lol…

am i a sombra main yea… heh but i have voice and chat off so i can imagine if i tilt people but still its not like im doing great this season. im only at 46 percent winrate with over 200 games.

in season 8 and 9 tho i was above 60 percent but yea i was playing with a premade with a leet tank leader. hardly lost games. also that was before they nerfed virus impact. before the health buffs virus was stupid strong and they had the great idea of buffing virus in season 9 but of course they reverted that. maybe thats why im not doing well, that and im not in a premade group anymore… i was carried hehe


I was solo queuing with Sombra those seasons and and was just under a 60% win rate. She was strong then. I rarely felt the need to swap. She’s definitely not as strong as she was with the recent armor changes and the increased health pools.

Honestly, the Sombra hate is overblown. Most people don’t like Sombra for the same reason they don’t like Hog. She can only kill you if you’re out of position/not playing in or like a team. Even if you are out, if you can aim better than the Sombra you can live, kill her, or force her to back off.

Really, they’re mostly mad at themselves but need to project that onto something else.

I think most of it comes from when she was busted and had the 100% free escape, these days she’s kinda w/e

I agree she’s the fairest she’s ever been.

But I also don’t think infinite Stealth is actually a problem. Sombra players tend to be clever, so with timed Stealth she’d still just pick the best time to gank people and if they nerfed Stealth they’d have to buff something else so the ganking would probably be easier, not harder to pull off. People seem to have no clue what they’re asking for (changes would either have to be more damage or more CC, neither of which people will want to deal with).

It would be kinda hilarious if the complaints got her buffed even more, yet again.

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