Everyone complaing about balance but nobody gonna complain about the servers?

I got 2 no regs in one potg and I play on 50 ping…


Is that…a nano genji without a blade?!?!??!

Its honestly better without blade sometimes becasue you can oneshot without dash

I mean yeah they have problems but trust me I’ve played lots of other multiplayer games and Blizzard’s are far better than other companies.

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when you live on south america you get used to bad servers

That’s not an issue of the servers though.

That’s an issue with the replay viewer being imperfect and using a hybrid of client and server inputs (the recording and timings loosely came from a recording from the server, but the particle effects are clientside).

Furthermore, the server is authoritative, so it redacts a hit after receiving everyones’ account of their clients. That’s also not a server issue, that’s some network fluctuation that causes a desynchronization between your and the enemies’ screens. That literally can’t be fixed, it can only be mitigated somewhat.