Were you also against removing no limits? Because how much more creative can you get than that? I don’t know about you but It seems that decision to remove it from the game made things a lot better. It’s almost as if limiting the ways teams can abuse incredibly powerful comps and creating a more balanced experience is healthy for the game?
It limits possible interesting comps, which I’m not sure is what they’d like to do if they could find another way around it.
I wouldn’t mind, honestly. I don’t watch OWL, and I’m lucky enough to sometimes get two tanks and healers in my games. So getting less DPS slots would not affect me.
I know what you are trying to say, but I can’t really admit that quad sniper is “creative” more than “annoying”
I really don’t get what makes people think that role stacking is “creative”.
It is boring and unhealthy for the game balance…
I’m fine with 2-2-2. Nobody like GOATs other than the people who one trick those heroes, and the alternative is 3+ DPS… and, well, just ask any QP warrior about how they feel having that in every game. Not sure why this is a concept that’s deemed as worth preserving.
They just think that with 2/2/2 DPS would get longer Queue times because They know noone will freely take on a different role wihtout being able to just pick DPS instead.
The majority wouldn’t care because forumers are a minority
If you think “I don’t like having to solo heal or solo tank” is a sentiment that’s exclusive to this forum, then I have a bridge to sell you.
Well back in the early days of 2016 I started playing mei heavily and found her to be absolutely great and during attack on Nubani on one particular occasion was doing extremely well.
It got to a point where there only option was to run like 4 to 5 bastions just to stop me and a few others on the team. With that being said…I’m glad it was taken out of quick play/compeitive mode.
Just cap it. Enforce 2-2-2 in competitive until you reach a certain rank. And then beyond that, have the matchmaker identify what roles people prefer to play and then have the matchmaker put together team comps where there’s tank - dps - support (and not something like 3 support mains grouped up on solo queue).
It limits other posibilities of comps in the future.
Also playing DPS is gonna suck.
People in game would literally just go 6th DPS.
Rather than saying banning certain limits on what a role a person can have on their team, I believe what would or could be possibily beneficials is allowing team banning of certain characters from play.
I’m sure while at first, some might ban for the sake of banning without thinking stratergically but I believe this options would also encourage people to pick up more than one role they are uncomfortable with and give Papa Jeff the much needed flexing he so desires.
If it limits anything it is the possibilities the devs have for future hero releases.
Any new Tank or Healer might make GOATS even stronger if he synergizes with it in the slightest way.
The issue is more about being able to flex to certain roles when they’re useful. Imagine you queue for a role as tank and find that versus the enemy comp it can instead benefit to have a third DPS. Maybe they’re barrier heavy and you think junkrat could be a good pick. Well you either:
- Just straight up can’t, or
- Have to convince one of two other people on your team to do so, and they may not know how to play that role.
Also you end up in cases where the person playing specific roles may not know how to play the most optimal hero of that role that you need. A good widow may swap to ana. The two DPS roles may be taken as a pharah main and a genji main. What do you do if both are bad at hitscan and the enemy has a good Pharah?
2-2-2 is more of a magic solution that includes it’s own set of problems.
I have yet to see a Widow switching to Ana because it would benefit the team and I hereby promise to eat my keyboard if it is ever going to happen xD
Some hero abilities stacked way too well on top of one another’s with the same hero… entirely, entirely different scenario and not comparable at all.
All they have to do is make Lucio’s and Brig’s AOE heals not stack, because the Brig/Lucio combo actually (ironically) harkens to the no limits of before where people stacked double Lucio very effectively.
I have done this lol
I suggested this in a post yesterday and many were against it too.