Every match Ive played today had orisa

I’m so sick of this op horse. I’ve played 8 games today and it’s in every game.

I just take a break when Im tired of the meta. You have made enough posts about this. You are one person with one vote, posting again and again doesnt give you more credit

Her general armor level and Fortify both need a hard nerf imho.

I too am sick of seeing her in nearly every single match. Blatant sign that at least all the lamers in the community think she’s op.

I stop making posts when they nerf her

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Is it because your tank is Doomfist? Because the enemy team gets a free win with him unless he’s directly countered, so Orisa doesn’t really have a choice to play any other tank. Doom is the one who needs nerfs. At least you can stop Orisa from killing your team.

Community Alert: Orisa is meta because the Devs choose it.
Because balancing the game around her basic kit is easier, than X other tank.
Orisa is a easy button plant that gives the Devs a handicap.
Complaining is meaningless. They know, they don’t care, enjoy your Orisa.

Tenth game in a row now. Still orisa everytime

shes more of an issue in unranked where people just dont go anywhere if they cant follow their tank

I will bet probably all 10 of those games also saw a Moira on one or both of the teams.

This game is not balanced, it is not meant to be balanced.

Why do people make posts like this “duhhh you must be one tricking x character” of course I’m not. I play like six different tanks. None of them are doom

Imagine being a Queen otp and having your entire kit nerfed by a permanent 15%. Hey but we added more dmg on the axe that has a 3sec wind up.

Hog also kills Doom, and Zarya stop him getting value. D.va can somewhat do the same as Zarya and chase him down. There’s no need for horse.

Yeah doom is pretty easy to shut down
DPS and support characters can make his life hell. The reason for orisa is not doomfist don’t know how this guy can have so many posts here and still be bad at making them

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That’s why I phrased it as a question. Doomfist is in all my games, and they tend to whine when the other tank swaps to Orisa, so had to ask.

I don’t think they pick Orisa to counter swap. I think it’s just because she’s the meta, and they are meta slaves. If Mirrorwatch Doom entered the normal game and was meta like he is in that mode, they’d play him instead.

Although, I actually wouldn’t mind that, since he’s a lot more fun than horse, and I’d rather a fast game than slow game.

Its not even that she is meta. She is dumb broken. I just finished watching Falcons vs Yeti on Eichenwald. One team played monkey and the other played orisa. Want to guess which team won easily. Keep in mind this is a traditional dive winston map (one of his best)

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Update she’s still been in every single match

I can usually take down Orisa with Mauga… his chain guns eventually exhaust her defensive cooldowns while regaining health.

I can do that until there is an ana

Your team can hopefully counter with a Kiriko. If not, then you probably need better support players :slight_smile:

The other option is to focus down Ana or Zen so that their player gets very little value.