Ever Been Tilted From Not Being Thanked?

Your comment in itself is kinda cringe m8


Route 66 seems to be Healer Central because I finally broke my personal best and got 20,077 heals on there with Lucio. And I don’t know how I did it either during the normal course of a comp match. Guess I was Amping at the right time? Lol, I wish I had recorded it.

20k with Lucio? God dayum

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Haha, you know what the best part was?

My tanks complained about three times during “I’m not getting enough heals!!!”

I don’t know what more I can even do at that point.


Not really tilted, but…disappointed? I understand there is little place in OW for hugs, kisses and all that. But since Moira has been released I noticed there might be subtle anti-Moira sentiment amongst players. And it’s not like I am “damage Moira”. It does not tilt me, but sometimes I am little sad about it for a few seconds.


Chill dude.

I’m a support/ tank player mainly because most of my teammates choose to play dps in every single match. Do i get a thank you message every time i help the team? The answer is No most of the time but at times they do appreciate my effort to use support/ tank heroes. But I put my focus as a tank/ support in each of those matches regardless being appreciated or not.

Bottom line is that I choose to be a tank/ support main because I prefer to play strategically, not for the gratitude.

Eh, I’m a support main with over 250 hours on Mercy alone and I rarely get thanked by anyone that isn’t in my group of friends. I have started to thank my co-healers though in an effort to spread some positivity and that sometimes gets me thanked.

I don’t do what I do for the thanks, I do it for the W.

Know the feels man. Press f to pay Respec


It happens, sure you won’t recieve acknowledgement for an awesome play you made,but all that counts is the enjoyment you got from the match.

do you thank your dps for killing people?
do you thank your tanks for tanking?

You sound like a jealous child. sorry bro…

Woa woa bud your getting a little too upset at this, as a main tank player I make sure to always thank my healers when possible but sometimes in game it slips my mind or in the midst of battle I’m unable too
As well as a Reinhardt player I relate to you, sure I’ve seen supports get thanks but I’ve never been thanked for shielding my teammates and saving their life’s Barr one time someone thanked me for blocking the enemy reins ult haha, it ain’t just you personally who doesn’t get thanked and it ain’t just supports either, if your expecting to be thanked and getting upset when you don’t why are you playing support?


man has times changed.

back in my day we would yell at the mercy if she did 1 thing wrong. and if she did something good, well thats her job and you cant really go up and beyond when playing healer to warrant a good job!!!

he prob did it cuz mercy are most likely chicks and he wanted to interact with some chick.

The amount of thanks I get playing healer vs amount of toxicity received for it is at least 1:2 ratio.

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Self-worth comes from within. You need not rely on others to validate you.

Well, Mercy can do a similar save! :wink:

But good job, maybe they were just too focused at getting out alive and doing other work and just forgot it. :slight_smile:

Edit* I realized that I was thanked at the end of the clip, I swear I didn’t mean to trigger you! :persevere:

I actually do, because it’s not hard to use the communication wheel. You all should try it more.

Incredibly childish that you get jealous that someone got complimented but you didn’t. Many people, including myself, get overlooked, no matter how well we do our jobs. You just have to learn to suck it up and play the game

I have over 300 hours on Lucio. I know what it’s like to not get noticed most of the time. But I’ll keep the redundant advice in mind next time I make a silly thread.

Every day as Lucio lmao
DSPStankey would be ashamed
I understand why he left now :confused:

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I thought he left because he got bored/tired.