Event Skins: Reinhardt

This is a simple topic with a couple of questions for everyone:

  1. What is your favorite Reinhardt event skin and why?

  2. What would you want Reinhardt to have for an event skin in the future?

  1. Favourite is the lunar new year skin (forgot the name) this is because the hammer looks very nice.
  2. A classic knight would be a very nice addition to rein’s skins.

A Don Quixote skin would be awesome but then Brig needs a Sancho skin to complete the setup.


I like the griefhardt skin, mostly because it’s a fun take on an undead knight.

Otherwise, any tie-in to an iconic large ham character would make sense for him. I’d love to see an iron chef Reinhardt swinging around a giant ham.

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A giant ham? … I am trying so hard to imagine this… xD

it’s a giant leg of ham, stuck on the end of a big bone.


Event skins? Mmm… That’s a tough call. I really can’t say I like any of them very much. Lieutenant Wilhelm would have to be my favorite among them, but I can’t say I like it very much.

As for a future event skin, I screwed around with another guy in a similar thread a few days back (maybe a week by now?) and we kept coming up with Pacific Rim skins for a bunch of different characters. I know it’ll never happen, but I’d love a Gipsy Danger skin with a little boat for a hammer.

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This is single handedly, one of the best Reinhardt Skin ideas I have every seen on these forums.


Lieutenant Wilhelm, Crusader and Houston Outlaws skins are my favorites for Reinhardt.

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Favorite: the Halloween one

Future: Sentai. ( when he puts his shield up “UNBREAKABLE BODY!!!”)


Favourite past event Rein skin is probably Wujing, that beard makes him look so daddy.

As far as other skins go just gonna leave this here:

A couple skins for Rein and hog that I think would be cool

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1- Favorite event skin is defnitely Lt Wilhelm
2- Something with a giant freaking sword

I really like the Crusader skin, but even Coldhardt is amazing. Downside with Coldhardt (halloween) is his head just screams to be aimed at with how much it glows.

I would love to see a WoW or Diablo crossover skin for him. A Firelord skin would be awesome. Seen here https://pre00.deviantart.net/2be7/th/pre/i/2017/042/a/d/overwatch_blizzard_mashup_skins_3_by_wildcard24-daynnsv.jpg

Also Lich King :heart:

It would be fun to see a Rein skin with a sword. :smiley:

Thankfully Rein’s overall default design is great, so just about every recolor/re-design looks great on him. Though, oddly enough, probably my favorite skin might be his Lieutenant Wilheim for a few reasons. I prefer most of the skins without his helmet to see his great expressions, the coloring of it is great already match with his default look, and it’s the only skin with his hair at medium length.

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Even skin?
The epic from uprising.

I have many ideas for a Rein skin, and most of them are super unrealistic, BUT, there’s one that might just happen next Halloween:

King Reinhardt, with a giant sceptre as a weapon!

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How about the Hammer of Heavenly Reign?

For granting subjects a thorough smiting.

We need Lich King Reinhardt skin with Frostmourne as the weapon!!!

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How about an Uther skin for him? :smiley:

that too.
wished there were more crossover from World of Warcraft

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