Even if they fix the QP bug, Role Q for it is a terrible idea

As most of us know. QP right now is bugged. It has Role Lock, but no Role Q. So, its “first come, first serve”, which is pretty terrible.

But, that aside, even if its fixed and we get Role Q for the mode, its going to be pretty bad. “Why?”, you ask. Well, here’s why:

I think that pretty well sums it up. At least in Comp, you are getting longer match, Comp points, and a Ranking system/“better” matchmaking/more “fair” matches.

What do you get in QP? Well, no Comp points, looser matchmaking, and generally, shorter matches.

One could at least look at Comp and say: “Well, those Q times are what I pay for longer, more fair matches, and i even get some Comp points, if i win.”

In QP, its just not worth it. You’ll lose wait is enticing about the game (quick play) and gain little to nothing else.


Did you make a post to tell people about another one of your posts?


QP with no role queue will still be available in Arcade, I can’t say for sure it’s going to be every week but it’d be weird if it wasn’t the case.


The other thread isnt mine. Just a reply to the OP that inspired this thread.

Wow. Just. Wow.

I mean…

Just wow.

Oh, you didnt know? Yeah, its bugged right now. I recommend that you don’t touch it. Haha.

Heard. Either way qp role queue is a positive. The last games have felt better overall. Not once is their an over population of dps

But, my point is, what would the benefits be to play 222 QP over 222 Comp? There isnt any that i can see. Thats what im trying to say.

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It’s lower key than comp and for a lot of player like myself that’s part of the draw. I don’t play games to listen to people whine and tilt over nothing and that’s all over the place in comp.

but I still want to play a game that mimics what Overwatch is meant to be, not some off standard arcade version with role stacking that is 100% gone from the base game.

So yeah, QP needs the whole role queue/role lock package. If people want to play off standard go to arcade, if they want to play 20+ min games with one team go to comp.
I’m sure many like myself will be fine waiting around a few min for a QP game with a 222 team comp

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To practice heroes to bring into comp. or to play without worrying about rank. The same as it’s always been.

I see your point there, but why would anyone wait longer for a match than the match’s actual play time?

For example, let’s say you queue for DPS and it takes 10 minutes to find a match, but the match itself only lasts 5 minutes. At that point, your wait time is 2x as long as your play time.

Whats the point in that? This is a video game, not a hospital waiting room. The point of a video game is to play it and entertain yourself, not wait around, staring at the main menu.

Then there’s no reason to play role lock QP. Why would anyone want to wait 5 minutes or more to get in a match where they can’t switch whenever they want when they van instantly get in a game and play what they want?

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I don’t mind Role Q for QP. The games feel more balanced and fair, and it feels like comp practice, which is what we needed anyway.

My issue is DPS queue+backfill. They need to address backfill if theyre going to implement role q because no dps player os going to sit in a queue for 10 minutes, load in to the last 10 seconds of a game, lose, and then go back into the queue for another 10 minutes.

If they can fix that problem, then I have no issues with it.

To have a better experience? At least that’s why I’m never going to touch the old QP, I’m having a much better time with people playing the role they queued for.

IF the queue times are that long, they will probably make changes. They claim to have a lot of options to change if things don’t work out well. I think I remember something about giving bonuses to lesser played roles.

I do however wish there was a way to swap roles with somebody else if you both agreed. (at least in qp) Even in the role lock qp we have now you cant if the teams are full, because you cant fully unselect a character.

Better experience at what? Shooting a shield all game? Playing a role they don’t want? People throwing or trolling for not getting the role they wanted? People performing poorly on a role and causing you to be destroyed? Have fun.

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That’s literally the point of role queue. Remember the current quickplay is a bug. It’s not meant to be 2/2/2 until role queue.

No one forces you to play it, I’ll have fun :man_shrugging:


you can enjoy the garbage quickplay we’ll get in arcade instead and leave the role que quickplay for the rest of us.

I’ve worried about this as well. I have the same fear about cancelled matches too. Imagine waiting 10 - 15 mins, get a leaver, match is cancelled. Then, Q up again, get a leaver, match is cancelled (ive had 2 back to back before). Then, Q up again. At that point, you could have been waiting 20 to 40 minutes and not even gotten the play anyting.

I agree. That would be nice.

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