Even Harbleu agree's

harbleu kinda feeds on hog sometimes and say things out of being tilted. same goes with many other top 500 streamer. i do believe brig should get looked at but not in terms of her stuns (maybe the range if they were to ever look at it but ehhh) her stun is only thing i think make her valid and makes me happy on rein when they thing they can kill me >:)

People don’t think that way about healing or tanking.

Because Hog can’t just one shot Brigitte as he pleases, making SB the best counter stun to Hog besides his own hook.

Sometimes you got to feed to get things done and sometimes things do not go as intedned,passiveness is often a much worse trait to have. Especially with the aggressive heros he tends to play.

He does tend to use breather to body block a lot of stuff which is a legit strat.

She has one stun. One Boop. Brig is close if not already a boarder line throw pick outside GOATS. You will notice that the forums have all but been silent on her. What’s left is what I chalk up to residual hatred. (like Bastion and Junk still get)

LOL Brig is fine 4head

~Lover of fair and fun balance, ZodiHD the Tracer Main

I’m curious where this comment was. I watch his stream pretty often, but I haven’t heard him complain about Brigitte in some time… at least not beyond simply mentioning how annoying she is, or how boring it is to fill as her.

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Not a bug. Just a good example of your lack of game sense, knowledge and skill that you want one of the most useless and nerfed even more.

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Right? I was holding a high noon in a desperation hold on Volskya and did not have time to take high ground. I wanted to break some barriers for my team and probay switch off to contest and a Brigitte just started walking me down. I tried to squeeze out a bit more charge and got shield bashed.

I was really angry. Not at Brigitte. But at myself. I was so stupid to let her get that close, I should have released high noon and Yolo fanned to my death. Instead she was not positioned to whiplash someone away from that door and no barriers were down. It was my fault. Not her fault… For stunning me while I was using an ability that gets canceled by stun? Lul.

How dare shield bash, a literal stun ability, cancel out other abilities like other stuns!! Outrageous, delete Brig immediately.


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You really think Brigitte needs to be nerfed even more at this point?

The general consensus seems to be she is just bad as anything but a third support. While I think this is wrong and she’s fine as a second support, the general consensus is that she’s pretty weak now honestly.

its called counter play, if the hog heals within stun range is his fault. ana nade completely destroys hog (from much further may i add) but yet no one seems to mind this…

The only time I am actually annoyed by Brig is if I’m playing something with 0 mobility (I don’t play McCree but he’s a good example for this). Her just Ulting and running and someone is annoying because 9/10 you cannot solo a Rally Brig and need help if you can’t get away from her which doesn’t always happen.

And forget about Nano Rally.

Then how would you explain that there are 13 account on the top 100(all region together) when Brig is their main hero, while Goats doesn’t exist on ladder?

Last time i checked when a hero isn’t viable then probably you will see up to 2-3 account one tricking that hero in the entire top 500 leaderboard.

Just for comparison, There are 11 Zen main in all the top 100(all region together), while his pickrate is more than double in GM.
It’s small sample size, but it is more accurate then any data site.

She is pretty bad in 2-2-2, but vary viable on triple healer. That been said she probably neither OP currently.

So another special flake is exploiting his drooling viewers to exploit the balance team…

God I’m so happy to have quit playing.

Pretty darn sure GOATS only really exists at the top of the ladder so yeah, that makes sense.

Triple healer is why she is usable in GOATs cuz they have 3 supports with Brig doubling as a flex dps/tank. A support that requires 2 other supports to be viable is not really a viable support

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Sadly we don’t have stats of the pickrate in top 500, but from observable games it seems they almost never playing Goats, and if they do it’s with one dps(which most likely will be sniper) instead of the D.va or something.

But it isn’t necessarily Goats, or Hog-Orisa with triple healer is suddenly Goats.
The most played tanks are not Rein-Zarya anymore, even in top 500.

It’s a bad design maybe, but she is viable in the dps slot, we still don’t have 2-2-2 lock and that mean she is viable.

That is a recent trend after all the massive changes and the addition of a new hero. Things take time but it’s becoming obvious where Brig is headed and fast.

I’d hardly call her viable in a dps slot any more then Moira is. Every hero is technically viable outside OWL but that doesn’t mean these poorly balanced hero’s should be left alone because they can sometimes work when comps are built around them.

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Shield Bash is fine now tbh. I don’t see why her shields needs to have 500 HP though.
Harb plays a lot of Hog and Hammond who Brig or any stun really mess up when you CC them at the right time.

so if i charge on the enemy team as rein to try and get a kill but fail due to some reason, am i exempt? no its still called feeding that many complain about report you for because it is F E E D I N G. Ok
playing aggressive doesnt mean you have to feed. 5v6 with 5 having more ults than the 6 is not right. he tends to feed sometimes because he thought he could help and most of time, he does help but other times a hero like brig who has alot of hate (not residual as you put it) stuns because they outplayed him. he couldnt handle it so he called out brigs stun because he didnt want to seem that he got outplayed by a brig.

ik i wrote an extra ‘s’ by mistake.

Everyone does this. This is why I always advise to take any advice or info you receive with a grain of salt. Def don’t use a single biased streamers opinion to prop up an argument as that is some flimsy support.

As a streamer and just a human being who plays this game a lot you are more likely to catch mistakes they make. He’s good but he isn’t a pro.

I am a bit baised myself since we tend to play a similar roster and Brig is a total menace but she’s a manageable one.

Playing aggressive can easily result in feeding. That’s my point. There is no player in this world that can both play aggressive and never feed. Playing aggressive requires risk taking.

If he succeeds he doesn’t feed, if he fails he prob feeds.