I will never understand why people think mechanical skill should be what decides if a character should be able to contribute to a team or not
It is a defensive mechanism that enables people to be more successful than others based upon devotion and agreed upon as “skill” is universally respected.
I see it a lot in the fighting game community. Auto combos are highly frowned upon and the reason why is because someone just smarter than you could smoke you for free without the mechanical barrier as auto combos are objectively useless in every game that utilizes them.
Basically, imagine if you could have an aimbot attached to Soldier. He loses his ultimate. Instead of a 25 clip, he has 10 in the clip. No headshots naturally. Would you lose to this Soldier? Highly doubtful. But some people are actually so bad at fighting games that they would to someone that handicapped despite all the effort they put in to learn it and that makes them opposed auto combos.
It probably sounds familiar. You have your Tracer and Genji being like, “why should someone who spent hundreds of hours get outplayed by someone who picked up Brigitte for 5 minutes.”
Everyone knows that would never happen… Everyone except for the person worried about it. They need that barrier to feel accomished because if someone took a shortcut past the learning curve, they would get destroyed.
I have been rolling people as Erron Black just using his mix-up, 2 poking tools, a basic string, uppercut, and grab mind games. The people I am beating are way better than I am and if I had to play their game, I would lose. But I am smarter than they are and this character let’s me abuse that. The Overwatch equivalent is me just running around and flash fanning people only.
Ironically he actually takes the most skill in the game to play him properly. But who needs to do that when you can just drop kick people twice in a row?
What? It’s May 2019 and still whining about Brig?
You think people will ever stop short of her being deleted? Now that is optimistic.
It’s almost sad to see posts like this, it literally stops everything flashbang does.
And sleep dart stops more and for much longer.
Oh… well… my Friend Andrew plays All the characters and he says it’s fine. So we’re good.
Harb hit rank 1 NA, btw.
OK. Neat. Still one person. And now I know they’re playing at a level most of us don’t even see. I’m gonna weight their balance idea’s accordingly.
It’s acutally sad how people have the opinion of what needs to be changed and as soon as someone famous says the same thing they go “This is proof I am right.”
Also, of all the supports, Brig is just middle of the pack when it comes to screwing up Hogs and her stun isnt really problematic for the Hog.
Ana on the other hand …
So we should also agree with how some random streamer agrees with you?
Everyone has their own opinions mate.
Brig is fine where she is rn. After when 222/role q becomes a thing they wont be changing her.
It cancels a lot of things but also only does 5 damage. It only cancels things Sombra’s hack cancels and McCree’s flashbang interrupts.
If Hog knows she has stun, then he should wait until she uses it before healing. Otherwise, bad hog.
So should we also look into flash bang? It’s the same thing.
I got into a 1v1 with a brig last night. I went something like this.
about to cap point, me and enemy brig only on objective. i use take a breather on 400/500 hp to bait the stun. She stuns as expected. I then smash my Q and it obliterates her shield and then pushing her off point onto a wall behind. I won.
I guess what I’m trying to say is given the circumstance you need to find a way to bait out that stun.
No,we need more cc.I believe if hero 31 is a tank,he/she will be another cc hero.
It’s fine, just track the cooldown. If you know she is there, bait it out or wait for it, then ult or use your ability. I do it before shattering as rein all the time, you just have to be ready for it
Can you give the source when he talked about Brig?
It’s interesting to know the opinion of Pro player about her.
Especially from the one who doesn’t tend to complain about things in the game.
It used to, now it doesn’t.
I used to like Harbleu but he’s little more than a crybaby at this point so I don’t watch him anymore, but this information isn’t surprising at the least. Why would you even try to TAB without pressuring her to shield Bash you in the first place? Sounds moreso like he got outplayed by a “low skill character” despite playing one himself lmao.