Even Fitzy and Danteh are calling Sombra Bad/Weak now

Seriously, seriously. Thank you Jeff. You don’t know how excited I am to see a reply. Thank you.


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I meant the cooldown and LoS nerfs in conjunction with whatever they do next.

I hope this doesn’t sound too ignorant because I got mine but I do hope that Symm and her teleporter and ult will give bastion much more value. I think it will but I do understand how frustrating it can be to hope the meta can fix Around your hero.

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im crying

Oh… It’s not just meta, friend…

It’s the fact that the devs have been SILENT About Bastion for over a year now. :zipper_mouth_face:

Well I more meant that Symm’s new kit seems to mesh especially well with Bastion, but as I don’t play him at all I don’t want to tell you how to feel about the situation! I hope things work out for the both of us.

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I really hope they adress bastion as well.

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Oh don’t worry, i meant no harm in my anger at this situation…

(Although if you are asking this Bastion main, Sym Literally hard counters him now, and does his “Job” Better than he ever could hope to… So, That with the shield make Bastion LESS Playable if anything… As you would have to spend two whole clips just to take down that wall, Without somehow dying in the process…)

So yea… :confused: Imma go wish i had a better game to play.

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As you would have to spend two whole clips just to take down that wall, Without somehow dying in the process…

Well according to some of the sym mains on the forum, the solution to that problem is to “just walk through it.” You can let them know how well that works out for you :slight_smile:


I’m nervous. I don’t hope it’s so big she’s a completely different hero.


Cry everyone a river, then build a bridge to get over it. The character needed SOMETHING to be viable and even playable.
I might be a tad bit biased, but I play most, if not all the characters- my main being Lucio. Sombra is my favorite character concept and kit by far- so seeing her the way they left her broke my heart.
Honestly excited to see what they do for her- cus it might just change the meta for the better.


Not just any people. The developers felt that making wraith form cancelable would make him OP before they gave him that buff.

This just goes to show that the developers do not always know what’s best.

They should consider removing the damage interrupting abilities mechanic on Sombra. Pretty sure it will be one of those scenarios that sound like it would make her OP but end up being a nothing burger like the wraith form change.


I’m soooooooooooooooooooooo hyped.

Better keep a reverse of the GIF, just in case it doesn’t pan out.



took a while but i’m not complaining

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It can’t be a rework if it’s going to come next week or the one after. These things take a LONG time. As proven by Sym and Hanzo. (And torb considering its still not out). They said the next hero to be reworked after Sym is TORB.

Thanks Mr. Kaplan! She’s one of my mains but I put her down because of how unsatisfying it was to play her. Looking forward to seeing the changes!

Well, reworks come in different scales. People consider Roadhog’s TAB buffs to be a rework, they considered Sombra’s buffs back in January(?) to be a rework.

Sym, Hanzo, and presumably Torb were/are massive reworks.