Even Fitzy and Danteh are calling Sombra Bad/Weak now

Jeff please just give us info with a “subject to change” tag. As much as I wish I could say having a comment on this is relieving, it just is again showing a lack of real communication. A frequent and well earned criticism. I want to hear more of what you devs are aware of in regards to the common concerns about Sombra and what is going in your mind’s regarding how to look at her? The sooner we actually are given information the sooner you can begin getting feedback.


From the lack of details you’re giving us, and the fact they’re “significant”, I have to assume that you intent to rework her. Would this explain as to why her 12 bugs that she’s gained over the 6 months that we’ve waited to be fixed haven’t been acknowleged yet? If so, it would make a lot of sense as to the little to no diligence in fixing Sombra.

Just. Get. Rid. Of. The. Bugs. Not that hard.



They are pretty significant.

We’re not talking about huge reworks or anything, right? Her play style was perfectly fine. She really only needed a few tweaks and bug fixes…


I understand you can’t go into details.

Can you at least confirm if this is a rework or not, in terms of adding or removing abilities she currently has? Or whether this is just shifts in power in her abilities?

I’m uneasy because I like her abilities as they are… :frowning:


what the hack… if less hack, why the hack we still need sombra?

buffing teleport/stealth is going to make her even more “absent” from the push… (and she can’t freaking shoot anyone in stealth)

Give :clap: my :clap: queen :clap: Sombra :clap: the :clap: buffs :clap: she :clap: rightfully :clap: deserves :clap:

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“Significant changes”? I’m happy she’s finally looked at but we’re not giving her the Symmetra treatment, right? :sweat_smile:

RIP Moira. I love Sombra but the more Sombra there is in Matches, the more likely she will end up going for hacking Moira. Moira gets hacked, no Fade or Healing Orb, she will die unless her team is protecting her. And we won’t be able to heal through barriers anymore either. :frowning_face:

Can’t wait to see what the fixes or changes are. I have Sombra’s golden weapon From Season 9.

After months of nothing, Jeff manages to phrase the one thing we’ve been waiting for in the most terrifying yet optimistic way possible. I am both extremely excited and really scared at the same time.


Please let this be the one where you guys finally stop putting so much power in her mobility and hack and instead focus on her reliable damage and being an actual hero instead of a hack dispenser.
I’ve been saying this day 1 and surprise, hack is either underwhelming or insanely frustrating when you make it her main and really, only shtick.


No point in not revealing a rework if it was one. Her last rebalance patch included also significant changes.

Hack/EMP don’t really need their impact lessened (they’re hardly over-preforming) and it would make zero sense considering they buffed them so recently. Plus, they’re kinda what makes Sombra, well, Sombra. Not that I’d put it past them…

Buffing her gun (besides it really not needing it anymore) would be the same story, it’d just make her less unique and tread too heavily on Tracer and Solider’s toes.


I’m scared. Lmao. I don’t want them to rework her and remove her hack or stealth :frowning:


This is true! Ugh. I’m just scared.

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It’s more along the lines of “really excited that she’s finally getting addressed” and “really scared as to what “significant changes” means” (i.e. rework??). Time will tell…

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thaaaaaank you jefff <3

Then they might as well remove her from the game. Thats what Sombra is all about.

Can you provide a high level overview of the intent of these changes? Like how is the team’s vision for Sombra relative to what it is now, are you shifting power from standard hack into other things, etc.


Really glad to see the Significant changes (Hopefully not “Rework”) Confirmed for Sombra.

Really NOT Glad to see that Bastion is being ignored/Countered further, but thanks.

I’ll be Very interested to see how she plays after this… And who she counters.


They just nerfed EMP to make regular hack more viable. They arent going to nerf it further if the intent is to improve her.