EU server games not working

Hey so I’ve had this issue for a few months where I can’t play on EU server, even though im EU, because as soon as the game starts I start lagging. The ping is fine and the game doesn’t crash, only everyone else in the match is frozen and I’m free to roam the map. I can’t leave game during this and have to exit. It’s a very weird issue because literally everything else is fine, ping, frames etc. Happens with every single game mode and only on EU. I can play fine on NA but now with the reigon lock I can’t do that. Anyone else ever experienced something like this? Please help me out, I have no idea what the issue is.

Just to clarify, I’m on pc and haven’t changed my ISP recently. Tried reinstalling the game.
Even voice chat works while im in the game, I can hear comms. Everyone, except for me, is frozen in game though. My character can roam the map freely but i glitch when i try to use abilities. I’ve been playing since launch, please help me out.