(EU) Looking for Players to scrim with our Team (2700-3200)

We’re a newly formed Discord server of People who want to regularly scrim and build synergy as a Team. Our final goal is to regularly play in low elo public tournaments.

We’re looking for every role in the range of 2700-3200 SR. You should be able to play at least two characters in the role you sign up as!

Roles are: Maintank (Rein, Winston, Orisa, Wreckingball, Sigma) Offtank (Zarya, D.va, Roadhog, Sigma) Mainheal (Lucio, Mercy, Brigitte, Moira) Offheal (Ana, Zen, Baptiste, Moira) Hitscan DPS (Mccree, Ashe, Widowmaker, Bastion, Soldier 76, Tracer, Sombra) Projectile DPS (Genji, Echo, Doomfist, Hanzo, Junkrat, Mei, Phara, Symmetra, Torbjörn, Reaper)

This role assignment is not set in stone. It’s just supposed to give you a general sense of what role you’d like to apply as.

You can Contact me (Sygma_Rim#1495) or our Team Manager (tree_sapling#2082) on Discord. I will also try to regularly check the comments here but having a Discordprofile is a must if you want to play in the team.

The most important thing is not rank or skill but attitude. Our goal is not to wreck everybody in scrims and win every game but to improve at the game and build up team synergy. This will take time and effort and we’ll most likely, at least in the beginning, lose a lot. So keep that in mind when signing up.

Our goal is to scrim at least once a week. We will organize and book the scrims, if possible, a month in advance. That way we’ll be able to adjust the scrim schedule so it fits for at least 6 of our Players (we’re not planning on having more than 8 or 9 in the team).

Hit us up and we’ll chat on discord and play a few games. I’m sure this project we’ll be a lot of fun!

I have 600hrs on console and have recently moved to pc with no 50hrs here.
Looking to try out in comp teams and dominate.
My DC is StarTracker72o #3802 - add me if I sound interesting.
EU 17yrs