(EU) Looking for a plat DPS for trio

Im Plat 3 Tank (current season high) with my gf Gold 1 Supp (Plat 5 Season high).
I play moslty Ram, but im also good on Rein and Mauga. She plays Ana, Kiri and Juno. I hit Diamond once in ow1 but it was a long time ago, she was in plat 1 at some rate. We’re pretty comfortable in plat, hoping to make it to Diamond.
Hoping to find some decent plat DPS, who understands their job as DPS instead of emptying mags into tanks. We judge skill not based on stats but by how consistently supps are dead and how many pushes are won (with or without ults).

We usually play after work at ~7pm(19) GMT+2.
Feel free to add me and please don’t use private profile.