Entire "Balance" patch was focused on GOATs and OWL

Yeah, that’s it.

Of course.

They got millions of dollars rolling in a television show with rapidly declining interest and viewership, with many viewers publicly stating they won’t be tuning in to Season 2 if GOATs stayed.

Of course they’ll literally try to patch GOATS out of the game.

If enough viewers complained that they don’t want McCree in the game, they’ll find a way to take him out. Guaranteed.

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Thats good I guess. The meta should support multiple comps. Not just one tanky one.

Except that 99% of ladder can’t actually effectively use GOATs, so this is ”balance” patch was strictly aimed at OWL viewership only.

What kind of rock have you been living under?


Maybe if the devs would just implement a 2-2-2 comp or a ban and protect system

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Would love to see both at this point, specifically for Ranked Mode, but I’m not holding my breath.

Why dont they TEST these changes on the PTR??
They need to develop game sense for their own game I think.

Now this patch feels rushed … like Oh crap OWL is soon, wait… lets make changes to break up GOATS. What if this doesn’t work out and Reaper becomes OP and dominates the entire OWL, that would be boring too.

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So, you’re just going to gloss over how often GOATS is played in Masters and above or does it not fit your narrative? GOATs is not fun for anybody in any rank to fight.

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this game needs an “operation health” like R6 had. badly.

OWL will always be mirror matches regardless of what the meta is. The pros will always find an optimum hero comp and play it every match. Back when Brigitte was first introduced there was actually some variety in hero comps in OWL. I only watched for tokens to get skin recolors. I’ve since given up since the drop rate is abysmal and OWL is boring AF to watch.

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I agree with the first two but ppl asked for a reaper buff regarding shadowstep and not anything else (and right click nades).

Eh goats is a teeny tiny problem or not a problem at all

No one plays goats below masters. A very small percentage of the playerbase is masters and above. Goats is not a problem for the vast majority of players

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Which is why we all just need to refuse to watch season 2 of OWL. I’m just not interested in watching a game that I no longer feel like playing because the balance decisions make for better TV, but a worse experience when I want to play.


That doesn’t mean that it isn’t a problem everywhere else. You can’t just ignore a community of players who have a greater knowledge of how this game is supposed to be played just to appease the majority who can’t aim straight, can’t position properly, make snap decisions on healing, or all of the above.

Another thing is that GOATS still exists in ranks below Masters; it’s just less common than in Masters and above. It’s just far worse to deal with in lower ranks.

“greater knowledge” of how it’s “supposed to be played”

Just listen to yourself… It’s sad. It can be whatever devs want at any given moment and it can change to whatever instantly. They choose. It’s not some natural law of nature. It’s an artificially controlled sandbox.

And if it were worse to deal with in low ranks, it would be played more.

Can Brigitte have something back?

If not delete her, there is no point in introducing a deterrent if you have to make it as effective as a teardrop in the ocean.

They have better knowledge than some Plat God like myself. Hence why I’m not yet at the rank I wish to be at. The thing is they are trying to gear this game towards being esports capable and you want them to balance around a vast majority who to this day still have their hate dial cranked to 11 for Tracer and Mercy?

Never said that it isn’t up to the devs on what they want. They’re more than free to balance the game however they way. That being said, they’d be more wise to listen more so to the pros and Top 500 players who possess far more knowledge than an average player like myself.

This has been the biggest balancing problem that this game has, period. It’s being balanced for the top 0.5% of the games population. This isn’t a rant or a debate. That’s simply a fact and it’s proven in almost ever set of patch notes listed on this forum. If a developer or GM reads this…reply and answer why. Because the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of your entire player base isn’t top 500/GM/OWL… Yet we continue to see all of these patches, hero designs, etc specifically aimed at that VERY small group.

You have meetings about why the player base has been declining? You have to see this. I know some of the people in that room do. But, others in the room disagree and that’s not a secret either. The community is still extremely toxic, the balancing in the game is still out of whack, and the changes we continue to see only contribute to your top .5%. Is this not a reasonable request to ask for a response?

You couldn’t ‘fix the dive problem’. So, you made a very low risk/high reward hero in Brigitte to fix it. That’s basically throwing in the towel and saying ‘We screwed up…but we can’t just nerf half the cast to fix it…so we’ll add brig’. Now you’re at the same cross roads again with GOATs and you’ve chosen this route. Every change you make to balance the top of the mountain falls a LONG WAY to the bottom where heroes are used COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.

Half the OW team had fought against adding Role Select and forcing the 2/2/2 Meta. This type of balancing crap is one of the main reasons many of us have preached about it since BETA. You struggle to balance because of the amount of hero combinations available at hand in the case of GOATs. 2/2/2 flat stops GOATs. Does it bring back dive? Probably…but with Brig in the game even with her armor nerf…she’s still going to cause dive to be extremely difficult to be even near as dominant as it was prior. I don’t pretend to know all of the answers here. But, that’s why I ask for responses. I can’t speak for everyone here…we all have different opinions. But, I personally feel very much in the dark on what the future is here and if it’s something to continue putting the time and work into.

This I can say for all of us and this should resonate with Developers: We WANT to love Overwatch. Help us.

For me at least, this patch doesn’t actually make the game worse. Just different.

But it’s definitely iffy that the corporate interests behind OWL have this much influence. This is a tolerable patch now, but there’s no guarantee of that for the future.
Sure we saw it with Brigitte, but at least they took the time to add a new hero then. This patch, on the other hand, reeks of them being forced to nix the goats comp RIGHT NOW.

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