Entire "Balance" patch was focused on GOATs and OWL

The Brig, D.Va and armor nerfs, plus the Reaper buff…all of it to stop every OWL match from being GOATs vs GOATs.

I mean, from an entertainment perspective, I get it. No one wants to see the same 6-8 Heros played by both teams, over and over again.

But this also highlights how I believe this game, as a whole, for the average joe player, suffers due to the constant and massive focus on OWL.

It’s nothing about these buffs/nerfs in particular. It’s just obvious how this games Development is so laser-focused on OWL and making $$$ off of OWL.

Edit: To be clear this “balance” patch has everything to do with OWL, (specifically, watching OWL) and nothing to do with the overall health of the game itself.

To Blizz, how they impact Ranked Mode (at any rank) with these changes is irrelevant. This is all 100% about making sure people watch S2 of OWL. That’s is.

Edit 2: Matter of fact, zero OW players were considered for this patch. It’s all viewership and nothing at all about how the game itself is impacted or balanced.


Totally aggree.

The new reaper will destroy the low ranks. Especially on console.


True dat.

I hope that the community realizes this and doesn’t support OWL Season 2.
Devs need to get the memo that you can’t balance a game arround the top 500 players while completely screwing over the rest of the player base.


Completely agree ;_;


Honestly. GOATS isn’t an issue to a majority of players
Nerfing it without context of how is ridiculous. Armor wasn’t a problem for most players because brig actually Isnt used by most players. No one likes her
Armor wasn’t a problem.when torb threw it out and it lasted the whole match. It’s a problem to top players who can’t get those sick plays as quickly as they want.
It’s really annoying :unamused:


I think that the goats is.a big problen on high ranks. Is really bored to watch the same heros vs the same heros all the matchs.

But blizzard should be careful on the changes. The reaper will be really opressive on low ranks.

And they dont put any balance change on low ranks. Everthing on this ptr was focus on owl and top 500.


Can you highlight which change specifically makes the game suffer as a whole?

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Balance? Ruined.
Players? Quaking.
Heroes? Shaking.
Hotel? Trivago.


Oh no… Not again.

Oh wait it is the foruns, my bad.


I mean, Reaper sucks. We see calls to buff him on this forum every day.

Goats affected ladder as well as OWL and people wanted it dead. It’s just a cheese comp, honestly, and it should never have been viable at the high end.

The Dva nerf is arguably for the pros but it barely affects Dva anywhere else.


Yeah, it’s not like the forums were telling them to nerf d.va, nerf goats, and buff reaper… Oh wait.

But seriously, ya’ll need to think more about what you complain about. This just proves that Blizzard is actually reading the forums, even on the d.va nerf which honestly wasn’t needed, yet people were still yelling for


Try reading the entire post next time:

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I’m not overly concerned. See how it plays out.

If after 2 weeks in comp the sky’s falling, then I’ll acknowledge the sky is falling. This forum is notoriously trash when it comes to assessing how balance changes will play out.


Care to point out something specifically about how the game is suffering because of OWL?

Yknow maybe its too much to ask, or just completely crazy, but is it not possible to have a version of the game specific for pros?


That’s not the point. The point is that they made balance changes, over several Heros, strictly to avoid having GOATs vs GOATs in OWL. The entire point of the balance changes were solely based on the entertainment value of OWL…not actual balance changes around what the game as a whole needs.

See above^^


Is there a reason to?

What difference would it make? You can keep your 1s DM CD?

Who are you to decide what the game needs? You’ll find this game has a lot of different people playing it. There will be those that disagree with you.

Thats right. And that will slowly kill the game, and guess what, if nobody is playing the game, nobody will watch OWL.

Those PTR changes are ugly.


So you can’t point to one specific thing about how the game is suffering due to OWL even though it’s how you feel. Got it.