Endorsement level development suggestion

Endorsement level system was something I had huge expectations about. But I think it still needs a bit of development.

Endorsments does not affect when you play normal solo que without grouping up first. So here is my suggestion for the future development:

You can decide if you want to play only with same endorsement levels or not.

For example, I am level 3 and I don’t like to play people with lower endorsements because my common thought about them is they are toxic (and most of the time I’m right). So I can just filter that I want to play only with people endorsed 3 or higher. This means at the end, the lower endorsement level people can play together and be toxic together since they like it so much, while the rest can enjoy games with less of saltiness :slight_smile: I know I can just mute people but that’s not the same.

I don’t know if this is something that have been discussed before, since I’m not using this forum very often.

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Endorsement level has to be the most unreliable calculation of a persons character. How can you think only playing with 3’s and up solves anything?

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Exactly. The way I see it is that you get endorsements when playing Tank or Support. You have to be carrying the team to get endorsements as damage. Most of the time it doesn’t reflect if a person is toxic or not since most QP players don’t talk and just get endorsements for a role they play.

Endorsement lvls are overrated.

Had toxic lvl 4s and nice lvl 1s.

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Yeahh, people randomly like to endorse other people for that 50 xp and in competitive tho nobody really bothers unless you hard carried

im a level 4 but lately its been dropping to level 3 a lot even tho my level of endorsements hasnt changed… they really need to nerf the decay rate because its actually starting to kinda annoy me… i wish they were more open about how the system works since even tho it doesnt affect my gameplay, it just pisses me off seeing a message pop up mid match saying i dropped down to 3. But i’ve played with some endorselvl 1 people that play very well so i dont really care about the level that much when it comes to others

i do think it needs a rework tho… maybe not cap it to 3 endorsements and let us just endorse every player we thought was good

Once you get to diamond nobody endorses. Nobody cares

My gold and plat accounts stay endorsed

I played with some lvl 5 endorsement and they were the most toxic and uncooperative people I found in this game.

LFG had that.
However even though I would like to see it happening in mainstream modes, it will just create an endorsement hell since lower levels are less likely to endorse others. So everyone is going to be stuck down there hating on each other.

Endorsement levels do not tell anything about the person at all.
I have to admit that I give them at least in all modes besides comp pretty randomly for exp.
And for most arcade modes there wasn’t even the possibility to give endorsements. So people who play arcade only or who had a break had a low endorsement level…

This is just a number made up to make you behave better or not for lootboxes. Until recently I had level 4… I never looked down onto others lol. Pretty weird that you do… I ppbly just got endorsed for potgs, playing support whatever…who cares.

I’m always on a 4.
I’ve went to 5 a few times but it quickly goes back down lol

Its a very silly thing to judge people on.

It’s time we stopped relying on matchmaker. And we need this to do it QoL for the LFG

one thing endorsements should do is not count your groupmates at “non endorsement”

There’s a difference between being eligible for 11 endorsments and being eligible for 6. And that difference should be recognize when endorsment decay is calculated.

Some people don’t wanna endorce players so they decay to a lower level. Doesn’t make them toxic :frowning:

nah, because you get xp for endorsing… so they have the incentive even moreso at lower levels