End of the tanks

with both sigma and orisa being gutted which tank is next ?

i’m placing my bets on the hamster.


We are tanks.
We are legion.
We shall adapt and endure.

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Except you are no longer a tank. They took that away. You are now a glorified paperweight.

Tanking has been removed from tanks through all these changes


are their tanking abilities being lowered? Or are they just less good at DPSing?

I swear the knee-jerk reaction may be far too soon… i think something is coming.
Don’t take the recent PTR at face value… I think they’re priming the Tanks and even some of the lower HP heroes, for a solo Tanking environment.

Orisa had her Fortify and Halt nerfed. So… yeah

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I still queue as tank. Did that change since I played this afternoon ? Did they stealth move dva to a different category ?

Should make dps queues shorter with these tank nerfs :stuck_out_tongue:

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Other Tanks can’t come back until Mei doesn’t nullify all of them except Orisa.

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Thanks for addressing my question, because that’s what I asked about.

They could be… but how is nerfing the tanks setting them up to solo tank would be my question.

Update your game. If you look where the tank category used to be. You will find a cockroach smoking a cig

aren’t you the self proclaimed dva one trick who refuses to adapt to other tanks bc apparently you can’t play anything other than dva? :rofl:

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Imagine this… if they super buffed them across the board with how they were, people would cry that they were unkillable… so first they tweak them.

First, you see small changes, numbers changes… a little damage removed here, a little ability tweak there…

Then a little later on, they BUFF Tanks, as a role.
Armor, Steadfast, ability changes, big ones.

Then Tanks become Raid bosses, with a line of three DPS dealers, and two loyal Healers.

Yes that is me.
I play D’Va

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I mean they could, it seems more likely as a shift to the meta imo.
This seems to be a balance patch directed to high level play.
Removing the two dominant tanks and buffing an anti dive hero because let’s be honest we may just see dive given the patch notes.

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Yes and zoom zoom last patch

I think she will just naturally do better this patch with the changes made

Already really enjoying zoom zoom patch

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hopefully nerfs to the strongest tank in the game. uhm uhm I mean bruiser dps, Zarya.