You’ve got “what people discuss on the forums is inexplicably and instantaneously going to shift dev’s attention away from balance changes they’re working on and it’s everyone’s job on the forums to talk about what I feel needs to be addressed” syndrome.
There’s gotta be a shorter name for it. Old Man in Yard Syndrome. There we go.
It really boils down to the fact that there aren’t 2 support slots in a team, they’re 2 healer slots.
Saying a pure utility support cant exist is simply far too close minded. The problem with pre work sym is that she didnt have any worthwhile utility to offer to the team outside of her ultimates.
Kinda like if Brig didn’t heal with Repair Pack and only healed with Inspire.
I honestly wanted Symmetra to become this but most other Symmetra mains would rather have her as a DPS than be a healer.
Echo shouldn’t be a utility support because Blizzard probably isn’t capable of doing it in Overwatch.
Remember, that’s what Symmetra’s role was supposed to be; a non-healing support based on shields. However, they gutted her identity when they couldn’t for-the-life-of-them figure out how to make a non-healing support utility hero.
That’s no angel. That’s a god
I don’t think the problem comes down to utility. I think it comes down to the pure and simple reason that healing in Overwatch is absurdly powerful AND doesn’t take a huge chunk of the characters power budget.
Utility Supports can only work when the utility they provide outweighs that of the healers healing.
But when you have heroes like Ana who provide massive healing and fairly insane utility, what would you have to do to make a non-healing Support hero compete with that?
I think Sombra is the closest to a non-healing Support this game has, and even then the only way you could justify picking her is by playing her on a section of a map when you could abuse hacked health packs to build EMP every fight.
I don’t think a pure utility Support will exist in Overwatch for the pure and simple reason that it would have to be absurdly powerful to even justify replacing an off-healer with it. I definitely don’t trust Blizzard to implement such a hero and have it be healthy for the game.
I mentioned 3 things. They are either 1. Angelic 2. Fragile or 3. Friendly. Lucio is up beat with vibrant and energetic colors. He seems very welcoming
The biggest thing she shouldn’t have is a face…Dear god the nightmares…
“Utility can only do so much” Okay, let’s do a experiment. If there was a hero that constantly provided invincibility to her entire team, that would be overpowered, and a utility. Since it can be OP, and it can be UP, it can be balanced. Note that I’m not saying that should be in the game. It shouldn’t.
But what makes that any different from a tank? In this game tank = physical shields or damage mitigation, support = healing with either mobility, damage, or utility and damage= dealing damage but can have tank or utility based abilities
Utility doesn’t have to mean shields. How about, say, ammo and firerate? Ability cooldowns? Ultimate charge? Those could all fall under utility. So could buffs and debuffs.
While yes, that may be true, it can’t equal healing. Healing is a big part of this game. When you only have 1 support, it says “only one healer”, not “only one support”. Healing is a must have in this game for a support for that simple reason. That’s why sombra is a dps, not a support
I hope they give her a defensive support ult
we only have two atm and it’s really limiting imo
support: supports the team. with healing, but also with other stuff.
tanks: resist damage, create space, engage the battles.
one support could have an abiliy to make his allies tankier. so its possible a support without healing that gives mini shields to alies
What do you think brig does? Or old sym. Those are great abilities paired with healing abilities. I really like utility. Just not pure utility
Healing isn’t the only thing a support can ever do. Ever seen Mercy resurrect people? Ana nanoboost someone? Ana sleep dart? Lucio speed boost and sound barrier? Heck, Brig has Shield Bash, Whip Shot, Shield, and Rally. Even then, ammo and fire rate could be a really powerful combination.
What about this: Storing healthpacks that can be thrown to teammates?
Still it would just look weird. Like not even talking about balance or anything. It but be pretty funny, watching her turn into a bastion