Echo shouldn’t be a pure utility support

True dat. I’m not gonna complain about any new supports or tanks since I’m stuck playing them 90% of the time. I’m hoping we get some kind of crazy manipulative pretty dude. I’d like to see some more REAL villains. Ashe isn’t really scratching that itch for me.

Yeah definitely but those are support abilities. She won’t have a new role

That would seem kinda unfair and broken and wouldn’t work. Like how are you gonna make her copy moira’s orb? Or genji deflect?

Echo is being teased for 2020, at best.
And they don’t care much about our feedback at this stage (rightly so, I would say at this stage…)
In short, no need to worry about it…

A support hero without heals could have an ability or passive that boosts the healing allies receive.

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I assume since it’s an “echo” it would be a weaker version and instead she’d make up for it by effectively having the most versatile kit in the world. Also you can recreate literally anything with the whole “hardlight” concept and being as her entire face is hardlight it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to assume it could be a focal point of her abilities.


Ikr? Ashe seems so “eh”. Kinda why I’m talking about echo. Like for a game about diversity, it’s weird how all the males have muscles to rivil Olympic athletes

Her Ultimate would apply 50 shield health to all allies within a 15m radius, in addition to 2.25 seconds of invulnerability. This would stack with previous ultimates and photon shields to a maximum of 100 shields. My concept was a lot to read, so you might have missed that part.

She’s tall, not very muscly and slim. She also has that androgynous beauty thing. Like a fallen angel or something. She’s graceful

This is why blizzard were idiots to remove Sym from the support category, now idiots who don’t know what Sym was even like at the time are using this as evidence that means we can’t get non healing supports

Newsflash people, Sym 1.0 and 2.0 were just bad at everything and didn’t even have that much utility, even if we had made her beam a damn healing beam Sym 2.0 would still have had less utility then the other healers

Behold, an Angel!


They just said she’s not hero 30. She’s most likely hero 31. 2020 is years away.

One year and almost two months, to be precise.

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Lucio is not angelic or fragile looking.

Yeah… I don’t know how to feel about Ashe. I’m glad McCree gets more backstory and that she’s more skill rewarding, but she doesn’t really add anything new. Both in story and gameplay. Plus, she’s another DPS in a game that’s starved in tank and support variety. I get that most of the guys are muscular cause most of them come from combat backgrounds, but a normal/skinny guy would be cool too. Personally I’m hoping we get a dapper dude in a tux.

I like the idea of pure utility with a TOUCH of healing. Like perhaps a tiny HoT on targets with a shield or effect on them. Just enough to try and get them to HP cap on her own.

what about a shield support hero like zarya?

imagine that zarya had 6 bubbles but a weak weapon that doesnt get stronger with the protection of the bubbles. Also, a smaller ahitbox and lower hp.
That can work as a support with no healing

Or how about an anthropomorphic fox who throws healing grenades and damage grenades and also some utility grenades?

We could call him Pip.

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With all the issues in the game, let’s talk about an unreleased hero that has only been teased, I mean, it’s not like the game has other balance/mechanics/issues that need to be addressed.

I just don’t get these forums at times. Maybe it’s me getting old. But with all the other problems the game has, I feel like the last thing we need to be doing is “fixing” heroes unreleased. Maybe I’ve gotten “get off my lawn” syndrome.