Echo says “CASSIDY”!

Cassidy is his last name, Cole is his first.


That is still one of his old lines.

That sounds so weird to me lol. I would’ve thought that he would be called Cole at least. Cassidy sounds girlish to me. If I keep hearing it though, I think I can get used to it and no longer associate the name with femininity. Must be my subconcious playing games with me.


Meh. It reminds me more of Casey from the teenage mutant ninja turtles, who was a guy. It’s not too much of a stretch to see Cassidy as a unisex name after that for me personally. Especially since Cassidy is his last name.

You know, I just don’t see how Cassidy sounds girly? Maybe I’ve just encountered more men named Cassidy, but it sounds like a perfectly fine name for a guy.

Plus, its is last name. Sometimes you don’t choose how your last name sounds; for example, the name Heiniger is a perfectly real and used surname for people who’s ancestors originated in europe.

Try to read that name for me, i’ll wait :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Were you expecting they not? The goal was to remove all references of the old name from the game. Why would they not adjust voice lines?

Same with me.
But I guess it is sill better than ppl spamming “cole cole cole”

I was expecting it to be muted or use a different VA because we don’t often get new voice work.

I’m not sure why you think that. Every event adds new voice lines, and they add new hero interactions all the time.

Many voicelines are in the game files for months before the event. ex: the current Halloween lines were in the game code since January.

We haven’t had many new skin-exclusive voicelines since comic book tracer and demon Hunter Sombra.

The last new interactions were added 4 months ago. Then 3 months prior to that.

In the source code, there are 7 matches to “mccree”.

And they’re going to continue making new ones for upcoming events as well. Halloween is not the last event to ever exist.

They’re also making an entire new game. It would be absurd to believe the game’s campaign and coop missions don’t involve a hefty amount of new voice acting from those VAs.

Is this… not frequent to you? Do you expect new weekly voice interactions – otherwise the VA is never coming back?

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Dude are you ok? I just thought it was really neat that they brought back echo’s VA for something as small as a Single ult line
as opposed to waiting for her to record things in bulk as they usually do? I like the detail.

Do I really need to tell you I’m satisfied with with game and looking forward to OW2 whenever it comes? Who are these arguments for?

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I’m just utterly shocked why you would have expected that, is all.

The point of the OW2 comment had nothing to do with whether you were looking forward to it. It was that they’re going to have tons of new voice lines from every hero in the game, so it’s extremely weird to me why you think it would be super troublesome or something for them to record a couple new lines from the voice actor of the newest hero in the game over a multi-month period.

Guess it’s weird, got it.

The file/model names and such might be the same as before but I don’t see any visual mccree on the page

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&/and this forum/topic/suggestion/idea totally blow up


this is true, where I live, if you meet a Cassidy, it’s literally 99% of the time a girl. I live in Texas. we see a fair few Cassidy’. in fact I have three nieces … Cassidy. lol…

I know we had to change him, just makes me sad. My dog is named Jesse, after McCree and well… I can’t change his name now to Cole. lol He’d just look at me funny.

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Does she also say “Not today, Cassidy” and other Cassidy related interactions she has?

I am French so please forgive me if my English is a bit bad.

I’m playing with the French dubbing of the game and Echo’s French voice also recorded the new vocal line of his ultimate: “Circuit d’adaptation enclenché : Cassidy !”

But I tried several times in range to see if Echo in French and English said “Pas aujourd’hui Cole” (French) and “Not Today Cole” (English) but nothing to do I think it’s an oversight on the part of Blizzard to have put back in the game files this vocal line there.

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