Echo live next week theory

Reckless speculation…we’ll maybe not totally reckless…

But archives ends next week so there was already a decent chance…and then the hero bans came out…which didn’t make sense to me at first…But then it hit me…

blizz is just training everyone for when echo launches…and what better way than pretty much mandating pharah in every match…and giving pharah one last hurrah in the process before she gets pushed aside by echo (a salute to you pharah :raising_hand_man:t2:…4 years of commendable service!)

So come next week everyone will already be used to checking the skies at all times and it’ll be nothing but roses on here right?

it’s as good an explanation as any for this weeks hero bans…admit it :sweat_smile:


I figure this also gives the devs a bunch of useful data about Pharah, and the rough approximation of Echo.


i mean i would imagine their own play testing did as well…but cant hurt to prep the players :man_shrugging:

Hopefully yes.

Realistically she’ll go live a week after Archives ends


All we need is a flying tank and my dream of a 4v4 deathmatch team that never touches the ground will be realized…

But Echo will be disabled from competitive the first few weeks she’s on live servers?

Jeff said in the last dev update that her PTR cycle might be longer than what we’ve been used to recently.

She’s more likely to show up a week later than a week earlier.

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For now we have 0 cosmetics, so I dont think so

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She will most likely go live in Early-mid April. Just a guess though :woman_shrugging:

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But Dva… is she not a flying tank?..

She can’t stay in the air forever.

I don’t know why everyone thinks Echo is going to replace Pharah. Ever since they nerfed Echo’s Flight tech, her flying is very limited. Either you use Flight to peak over walls and take out an opponent with Sticky Bombs, or you use it to engage with your team. Flight is more like a positioning ability similarly to Moira’s Fade, then it is a flying ability.

Also, Echo is going to be on the PTR to at least mid (most likely end of) April, because of lockdowns and Blizzard being forced to work from home.

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please add echo to the game

please add echo to the game we need a new hero

Zenyatta never touches the ground

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please add echo to the actual game we need a new hero

If they put skins today in PTR maybe it happened but too fast IMO

please dont spam the same response 3 times in 3 minutes…