Echo being a DPS isn't the problem. Hero 32 being a DPS is the problem

Adding different, diverging, fun and creative heroes makes people wnat to play them.

I don’t think that’s crazy to assume.

I promise you that are plenty of ways to make different tanks.

Then make more of those too. Won’t find me complaining about it.

And I’m talking about both.

I reckong a better, fun and more varied support and tank roster would certainly equal better times.

Queues would be better than what they are now, that much is certain.


I doubt it. I think they truly are just callous to the wants and needs of Supports and Tanks, because they aren’t the majority. Also, a new flashy DPS = more likely people will engage with OWL. I think Blizzard as a whole truly has abandoned any pretense of trying to make quality, well-designed games and just conceded that, yeah, they’re really just in it for the money, and if you’re not in the majority market… tough.


It does, somewhat, but the effect is pretty weak. And usually only related to the “new hero” hype that last for 3 weeks.

They’d be a lot better off convincing DPS players to go Tank, than they would be getting existing Tank players to queue more.

Imagine if Orisa, Reinhardt, and Sigma were all equally viable as SoloBarrierTanks.

That said,

Imagine if you could reliably go DoubleOffTank without having your team yell at you, and a strong likelyhood of losing the match.

Imagine not having a 50/50 chance of Rein Jail when playing Tank.
✅ [Brawler Role] DPS Queue Fix

No it isn’t. Long lasting effects can be had by adding significant numbers and increasing the variety of the roster to attract different people.

It helps, no doubt. But the effect of getting a DPS player out of the DPS queue, and into the Tank queue is a much stronger effect.

Also it’s not really worth speculating about anyways, unless you got a spare $500,000 to throw at the development team to go churn out 5 more Tanks that magically are all viable at the same time.

I’m just gonna hope and prey that hero 33 is something late in the works, is a support, and will be bestowed upon us within three months after Echo’s release.

That’s what’s going to keep me going. After that, no guarantees.

My thoughts exactly, thus why we need to attract different people to the role with diverging and varied heroes and overall improvements to the roster’s QoLs, like the feedback system.

Yes, it’s only for a week or two that people try them out because they are new. They don’t stick with them.

Main tank is the least desired role, simply making them capable of solo barrier tanking doesn’t change that.
It’s the playstyle itself. People despise playing Orisa even though she has gunplay, why?
It’s she doesn’t have an active playstyle, you put down shields and you spam another one.

That’s the problem that they need to fix. They need to make tanks more engaging and envolved.

The way they move and their abilities needs to be fun where even being the person who still has to protect their team has fun doing so.

i honestly think most of us are on the same side though… we all aren’t complaining that echo’s a dps. More just complaining of how crappy and and un-even the roster feels. There should be at least 3 more tanks and healers in the game by now… why do you think the competitive scene feels so one or the other… there’s very little deviation which makes it boring and not fun to watch… people attach to other people and hero’s not meta’s…

That’s a nice thought. But nobody is going to pay for that. Yes players do like it when you throw tons of money at the problem.

But you got a better chance of winning the lottery than expecting that to get approved by the executives at Blizzard.

And even if they did that, you got a strong possibility of running into another DoubleBarrier problem, or just having a bunch of throw tier Tanks that might as well not exist.

Well they paid for the DPS so I guess we will see how queue times respond and who’s going to be paying then.

You know as well as I do they have been working on that hero for ages.
They are bottlenecked by Overwatch 2.
And bottlenecked further by Carona.

I don’t mind the hero, I mind the release date.

This is akin to Diablo Immortal fiasco. If that was announced in some side stage instead of in front of a major hardcore crowd no one would care.

Make Echo a DPS in OW2, no one cares. Make her the last content for OW when there’s such massive - and admitted - shortage of tanks/sup heroes… You get a problem.

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Oh I get the problem.

But I don’t think there’s an idea that exists to solve the problem that doesn’t involve:

  1. Fundamentally changing Tanks in some way.
  2. Spending a mountain of money and risking it not working anyways.

What? The Devs already stated Hero 32 would be the last hero OW would be getting before OW2.

So unless you’re hoping OW2 will release in 3 months… not going to happen.

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i’m not disagreeing with this, but

it’s still valid, either way

and honestly, i’d say the OP has the “bs excuse”, because again, it’s still in line with how they seem to rotate between dps/support/tank and avoid two of the same

in fact, Brigitte was released after Moira, meaning this argument is even less valid because supports are the only ones who have had a back-to-back release, though i suppose it’s a little moot since it went damage/tank/damage between two healer releases, so it “caught up”, at the very least

again, as i even stated, in bold, the complaints and criticism shouldn’t be “we wanted a support despite just getting one”

it’d make more sense to say “we want the hero release schedule changed”

Yeah I heard in a different thread. When I play from now till OW2, I’m gonna be playing like a zombie. Cause there’s literally nothing to look forward to.

November 2018 is not 2+ years ago. It’s like a year and 4 months.

And so what? The game currently doesn’t need any more DPS. The game needs back to back tank and support releases for a good while.

Yeah? And what would happen if the largest chunk of the player base gets neglected? Are they gonna stop playing DPS? Because, oh god, that would be an absolute tragedy!

And not adding DPS for 2+ years isn’t really gonna upset DPS mains. You’re just saying that as a cop-out.