Echo being a DPS isn't the problem. Hero 32 being a DPS is the problem

Hero 32 should have been a support or tank. If Echo was always planned to be a DPS, then that’s fine by me. But then she shouldn’t have been Hero 32. They should have waited until Overwatch 2 to release her.

I’m not mad about her having a support “look” and turning out to be a DPS. Hell, I was in the small camp of hoping she’d be a tank as a way of subverting expectations instead of just getting robot Mercy. Either way, we didn’t need a DPS any time soon. I don’t know what Blizzard is thinking. Actually, I do. It’s that silly ice cream analogy that’s directing their line of reasoning.

Your ice cream analogy is a faulty one. Actually, here’s a better analogy.

You have 8 flavors of frozen yogurt, 17 flavors of ice cream, and 7 flavors of gelato. You come to find that your ice cream sells more than your frozen yogurt or gelato. One might conclude “maybe people just like traditional ice cream more than gelato or frozen yogurt”. Reasonable conclusion. However, maybe also consider the fact that you have more flavors of ice cream than gelato and frozen yogurt combined! Maybe people get tired of the same limit flavors of the other two types of frozen treats!


or their line of reasoning is literally “it’s been a while since we released one, maybe we should release one”

like seriously…

i always main supports in every game, i’m usually debuffers/buffers or healers or something

this literally is perfectly valid for them to release a damage hero after not releasing one for quite some time

i don’t disagree that the tank/support category should “catch up” to the damage category in terms of quantity, especially considering the defense category was just lumped in with offense which bloated it further, but that still doesn’t mean much as that’s what they basically always were

the real argument should be “maybe we should have 2 supports/tanks released at once” or "increase the speed of hero releases"


The solution to that is not to go “Well we have enough Ice Cream so they can just live without any new flavors for awhile.” That is a way to piss off your ice cream lovers when if you just keep releasing new flavors of ice cream, froyo, and gelato and trust the ratios will smooth out over time.


The last two heroes were tank and support respectively, what’s wrong with getting DPS as we have normally gotten in this rotation?


How about making it so that if you stand in line for chocolate, but you really actually wanted two scoops of vanilla+chocolate+swirl. That you could guarantee that?

I.e. What if you play DPS, but you’d be fine with going Tank, but only if you get to play OffTank.

yeeeeeeap!! anything that Echo a dps

Have you seen the forums? It’s the gelato and froyo lovers that are getting pissed off. How often do ice cream lovers (DPS players) get upset whenever Blizzard releases a froyo or gelato hero? Never.


there are already we to many DPS in this game!

the most heros a role has the more likely they are to attract someone who start maining that character and thus less likely to play other roles…

in part DPS and tank have traits the lure certain players… but hero avalability for more flexy players cannot be under esteimated…

blizzard was wrong to make so many more DPS then other roles… that has screwed over the game and made all sort of problems.

Also frankly echo is probably going to get super hated by crazy many people lol

the people who hate widow are going to get so tilted lol

That’s because they used to be two different roles, and each role took up a quarter of the roster back then, until they got merged into ‘DPS’. That is why there are so many of them.

But she seems to counter widow, right? What with burst mobility and a one shot that can be easily applied to a widow who’s holding still she should be quite difficult for a Widow to play into.

That’s because they used to be two different roles, and each role took up a quarter of the roster back then, until they got merged into ‘DPS’. That is why there are so many of them

yes and that was a stupid idea because then why wouldn’t tank and support need offensive and defensive options too?

But she seems to counter widow, right? What with burst mobility and a one shot that can be easily applied to a widow who’s holding still she should be quite difficult for a Widow to play into.

yes… lower skill less vunerable and if you already play widow not to hard to learn…
frankly it’s a bit sad because widow is challenging… this is like you cross Moira, widow mercy and junkrat…

Also, slightly off-topic, but can we acknowledge the irony of a company named Blizzard describing a hypothetical scenario where they’re an ice cream company? Actually, doesn’t Dairy Queen have a “blizzard” menu?


FIrst off, that is because this form is very not representative of the actual game populace. Its been shown to be very disproportionately made up of support players and have so many tanks that if this were the actual makeup of the game I could solo queue DPS and not wait 20 minutes.

Second that is because there has been a consistent stream of content for all 3 roles. If that suddenly changed to “No new DPS for 2 years” I suspect that you would get some complaints even among the DPS minority.

It’s their game and it’s free content > self-entitlement :man_shrugging:t2:

Sure, but again WHY is that the populace?

Well that’s too bad. Not everyone can be pleased all the time. But ultimately, it’s worth it for the health of the game to release many supports and tanks back-to-back, even if it means upsetting some DPS mains.

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Its the case because DPS is the role people gravitate to in literally every single game of this genre and other similar genres. I am trying to think of a game with tank/support/DPS where DPS was not far and away the most popular role by a wide margin.

The health of the game has been just fine with the 1 per year release schedule. Would it be better if they release 5 per year to close the game? Yes. Is it getting better in the current release schedule? Also yes. Will the Overwatch 2 releases likely have more tanks and supports than DPS? Also yes. Maybe not a ton more but as a ratio the gap is closing bit by bit. anyway.

Yeh basically. If Echo was always gonna be some sort of Damage bomber thing, cool! But maybe it’d be worth fast tracking some other flavours of gelati and frogurt first.

Again, why?

How many games out there have an even number of all three roles? This still leaves the causal relationship in dispute. Do people like DPS more because there’s more of them in any given game, or is their more DPS in any given game because people like them more and the devs are catering to them? The problem is, devs never bother to even try to see how the player populace would respond to an even number of all 3 roles.

I don’t have actual statistic. Just personal observation. But Resistance 2’s co-op mode comes to mind. From personal experience, the tank and DPS role were always desired, while the support (called a medic in this game) was a bit less popular.

Either way, this game somehow made tanking fun. So that leads me to conclude that “DPS” universally isn’t necessarily the most popular role, but rather depends largely on what the devs do about making any given role popular.

This game wasn’t “hero” based either. Each role was just a generic soldier that you can upgrade and add more abilities too. So there was no issue with roster size discrepancy. That effectively means there’s an equal potential of variety with each role. Again, probably has something to do with the tank role being just as popular.

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Well since you have such an abundance of ice cream and clearly there is stats of how many people pick certain flavors of ice cream, we can always remove half and redistribute.

It’s ok because those are old and stale and you want new and shiny.

I cant tell you why people in every genre seem to prefer damage to healing but its near universal. FPS, MOBA, RPG, MMO, it does not matter, if there are 3 roles people gravitate towards the damage. It probably says more about the desires of the average player, but that is the way it is. Playing damage is generally what people look for in a game. Now if you make the tank completely busted where they are both a tank and a DPS then ya people will play tank but that is because of the DPS elements to it.

Nah, it’s definitely Echo being a dps that’s the problem as well as being hero 32. Even the lore behind it makes no sense. Scientist makes a bunch of crazy omnics that go on a killing spree, goes on to create an omnic that kills things even better, while preaching about how they want this “project” to make people rethink how they view omnics.