Echo’s Localization In-Game

Hey, Don’t worry about it. We are all aware that there is a MAJOR, issue in the world happening and NOTHING can get done fast.

If you have some time. Would you pweeeze (I said please). Take a look at something new. An idea that would HELP clean up the toxicity in the community and heal some wounds.

1 ) Match maker and creating a “general population” and New population" system. Similar to World of Warcraft.

Where there is a LEVEL SPLIT between the groups.

Where we have : 1-99 and 100+

The New accounts in this game are “new accounts”. And we all have to try and learn to “behave while playing in the Sandbox”.

LIFE EXAMPLE: Big kids don’t exactly like to have to play with beginners and new people. Regardless of actual “skill”.

I am sure you recall how many times Blizzard would LOCK an instance level to players, so that way there was NOT lvl 1s running through “Dead Mines” or lvl 10s running through “Scarlet Monastery”. Despite how much they would ask us lvl 60s and 80s to CARRY them for the loot :wink:

The other one would be fixing “teams vs pugs” “teams mixes”

By separating the two apart. I know… the 5s have an issue. But the amount of UN-CIVIL behavior is at an all-time high. Especially at Midnight and 9am-noon, every day. Especially with stacks, bullying their “pugged” team mate(s).

Thank you and all of you, have a SAFE day! :+1:

Amazing hero. With so much damage skills, with so ridiculous tiny cooldowns, with so crazy mobility. Now she can kill everything she wants with minimum effort. And of course, the best ultimate in game allowing to choose the best ult for a monent, moroover giving you one extra life. And previously even two ultimates if you skilled enough.

Thank you for another unbalanced as hell hero again! Having so much time you suprised as again! Keep up great work!


This is a thread for localization not balance can y’all stop :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Echo seriously ruined the game. Last night Overwatch was something we looked forward to, tonight we just get destroyed by a character Blizzard selfishly and without caution, added to the game.

Tank is already the hardest and most annoying role to play, and you added a flying dps who is SUPER easy to play with abilities that make tanking even more miserable than it was.

Why would you add her to comp with only PTR testing? Why would you ban the counters for her? For us to be impressed? We’re not. This has just eroded what little was left of my faith in Blizzard being a company who cares about the product they put out.


Thank you for the hard work! :pray:

can you nerf echo she ruined the game shes to op


Hello, i have lot of problem, please read it:

  • In French version of Overwatch, the voice of Echo is in English.
  • The mapping key on Xbox Controller it’s not optimal :
    For use hover capacity with Echo it’s the same key with “Secondary shoot” but it’s so hard to play like that. I think it would be better to set hover capacity with the maintaind key of “Capacity 1” (Fly).
  • The mapping key on Xbox Controller it’s not optimal :
    When you using the “Capacity 1” (Fly) you need to press A key to fly up it’s not optimal to play like that with a controller. I think it would be better to use press L joystick to fly up (This key is not set by default)

Please be easy on me, i’m French and my English is not good.
I hope you understand me.

Le post explique clairement que la plupart des doublages n’ont pas pu être finalisés à cause du Covid-19. La VF d’Echo sera ajoutée plus tard.

Pour le reste, je ne peux pas t’aider, je ne joue pas à Overwatch sur console.

Passe une bonne journée :wink: !

You should have waited for competitive mode!

Thank you, no problem.
Imho, you could always patch her with the voicelines you have, also if i can understand that having a pg with two languages and two voices could create confusion.

Interesting. Until now, new heroes introduced in to the game cannot be used in Competitive for a week or two. But Echo. Echo gets right in the day of her release.

I know Blizzard gets to make the rules. But the frequency with how the company is changing everything lately is becoming a bit disconcerting.


There was a talk before Sigma about ppl not learning new heroes untill they were released into comp anyway. So Sigma got released straight into comp from PTR just as Echo, and noone thought that was bad back then. Still isnt bad cause ppl dont play the hero competetive untill its competetive mode anyway, so hard to get real numbers to nerf/buff a hero from.

And Blizzard is changing things a little quicker, which is what a majority has been vocal about for years now. They could be a little quicker still though, and be more vocal about what is comming and such.

Echo is killing playing a tank, which was already not a lot of fun. So much for overwatch


The person who was in charge of release to competitive was probably out of the office so they just went with it, and it probably made the game for fun for dps, but it’s a lot less fun for tanks and probably healers.

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" She came out last spring"

“Whoa! Put he back in… She’s not done yet.”

ECHO with no AIM, with such power, with flying pos… with ult … will ruins this game… and after some game QP playing with and against ECHO i can say that with echo on team if an enemy healer dies all team will die ez…the balance will be broken instantly … and who know that echo plays with mercy linked ? in this way… say good by to the pleasure to play… echo is balanced ? yes maybe she is… but if we compare with the other DPS and abilities … i write many times… the ECHO vs more DPS and some tanks is like ALIEN vs WW2 … laser vs guns … i am very curious how many players will stop playing soon with this echo on… no aim but area splash … this ult … realy ?.. u will erase some dps char that cannot play vs echo

rarely i play mercy…i play mercy was behind rein… echo fly up and melted instant mercy…with 1 shoot … np nice char…not for game not for a balanced game not for teamwork… it is only nice… u have to love echo…is so cute … ruins game

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Echo is good, but maybe a little too good… I can play her no problem but when another echo swoops I’m from nowhere, they throw sticky bombs and there is no way to escape that unless you are Reaper or Moira, who have phase abilities. The least that could be fixed is the fact that when the sticky bombs simply touch you you take damage…

Buff echo, after the nerfs sticky bombs need a buff agaisnt an actual team. People complain that “echo is too op” but then they use echo they use agaisnt bots who have less hp and are still, in a real combat situacion echo does little dmg as for example phara, junkrat, doomfist which in my opinion are too op and do too much dmg

Any update on finalizing Echo’s localization for her voice lines ?

A lot of countries are currently exiting lockdowns.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile: !