Easy Widow Fix: Poison Sniper shots

Yeah, but atleast they have gun sway, aim jump, and other aiming concepts that make you have to add readjustments to aim.
Guess how much Widow’s scope moves.

The only game I’d agree with on that is Call of Duty where Sniper Rifles get used like shotguns.

Respectfully, I would argue the fact that the number of additional adjustments you suggest after this statement is evidence enough that it’s not easy. It’s just a lot of parameters we’re tweaking.

What you described is a reasonable way to start, but I would expect it to be a longer iterative process, and I still think loss of sheer burst significance means she will need more damage in her kit outside of just ult buffs. Buffing the SMG mode doesn’t really jive well with it because it isn’t relevant at the same ranges. Maybe that turns out okay because it could help her contest objectives directly, but it also makes her stronger against flankers, and that’s something we might not want to push too far.

So an added cooldown ability that adds damage in a practical way at long range, or more total damage from the DoT, but kept slow enough to be reasonable for Supports to keep up with. Those would be my first-line priorities for trying to compensate the consequences of loss of burst on an offensive direction.

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Right, but those are all parameters that they could tweak within about 10 minutes with a hotfix.

They could have it all +90% solved within a week or two.

Personally, I think snipers quick shotting up close with their sniper rifle is overhated. Has anyone ever tried this? Its extremely tough, and I’ve even seen the best snipers in games fail to do this more often than not. I feel like, if a sniper lands a shot like this, its both luck and completely fine.

I’d only be an issue if we saw a sniper able to consistently do this every time they’re challenged. But, if they are, the solution would be just a complete removal of a sub weapon because they don’t need it. You have three shots, you get flanked and use a shot, so now you have two shots to use, or have to reload. Regardless, that’s huge downtime, and you didn’t even get killed.

If we lowered her clip to three, and found it made her useless, the obvious answer would be to give her an ammo buff or something. The trick is finding out what both Widowmaker needs to succeed and what should counter her. Most people on here straight up suggest nerfs that will prevent Widow from being successful in any circumstance, but that only leads to a bad game when all is said and done.

I figure baiting a sniper SHOULD be their weakness, but if its too effective, I’m not afraid to buff widow.

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That’s a good idea, but she’d need a charge time that’s both good for her intended playstyle and good for the game as a whole.

All of those don’t matter at all with quickscoping. It happens fast enough that all of those are completely negated. That’s one of the major points of quickscoping. The only thing Widow does better than all other snipers is hardscoping.

And hardscoping even in its strongest form is infinitely weaker than quickscoping.

In tf2, Titanfall, CS:GO, etc, quickscoping is the main way to use the rifles. It pretty much negates every single weakness that hardscoping would normally give.


I should have elaborated, my bad, I meant more when you don’t have time TO aim at long range for a headshot so you go for just confidently and generally hitting their body rather than missing. It’s not a guaranteed kill, but just putting down damage is also helpful especially when you aren’t a GM Widow. Unless you mean we completely remove charge for instantly empowered shots which… Hhhmmm… I’d also have to think on that.

Fair enough. It’s just that due to how pinpoint her scope is, I am not… 100% sure if ammo limitation fixes the issue entirely I guess. I want to float this idea in my head abit because I can’t entirely throw it out as “Wont work” either.

Fun fact, back in the days before YouTube. When CS:Source was new.

I wrote a script that maxed out the animation canceling on the AWP.

Then posted it on some video sharing site, and onto the CS forums.

Within 2 weeks it was patched.


I agree with you on the first part, I’m iffy on the second, mainly because of Blizzard’s track record lately. In principle though I agree with you; it should be reasonable to iterate/test through most of this fairly quickly. And it’s not like we actually need it perfect when it goes live.

Most of the difficulty/time/complexity I’m hedging over is because I don’t trust the speed of internal testing/iteration right now, and for unexpected delays due to any engineering they might need. I mean, somehow they disabled Widow’s ability to damage deployables with her scoped shots during the Apr 1 patch.

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Yo that’s cool. Sounds like stuff that like a few content creators do in tf2 with certain map exploits.

They could just make a “Snipers Only” Experimental Card, then just live playtest it.

Heck, it would probably be really popular.

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The reason for this is our shotgun heroes are reaper hog dva.

I think hog shot gun has always been underwhelming outside ult and hook made up for it.

Dva is more sprayer than shot gun.

Reaper is a dodo all he is good at is litering,
Which is widow and hanzo or even Cassidy is better than shotgun heroes.

Absolutely, but quickscoping is an exploit and Widow can’t even quickscope with full charge to begin with.
If we are comparing different hardscopes since quickscopes can’t apply to Widow due to Charge, you get what I’m trying to talk about.

No you will not become popular you have already tried samito tweet raiding, how much lower can you go at this rate torbjorn will start looking like a giant.

Yeah, fair, but to say that widow is in any way stronger than other snipers or that they’re really counterable is laughable. I will also add that other snipers can one-shot instantly without any charging, and furthermore, they can OHKO on bodyshots in some cases like the Kraber.

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I mean, Samito has a certain amount of sway.

Incidentally those Reddit posts got about 400,000 views.

But got ratioed L right, do link it anyway.

Most other games also have wider, non-linear maps with x5 the amount of possible enemies you can go against at longer ranges and most other weapons also kill way faster than most weapons in Overwatch. They just overall have shorter TTKs and are designed around that.

I am saying that IF the issue of Widow is she can get consecutive eliminations too easily with hardscoping because of how aim in Overwatch works (No weapon sway or recoil) than maybe that’s a start on where to look. Especially with the idea you are a sniper and max opponents you’ll be facing is 5.

Trying to argue if she is stronger or weaker than other game snipers isn’t relevant because they are entirely different games and that’s not the point I am making.