Easy Widow Fix: Poison Sniper shots

Curious, but also think of it this way.

Many DPS have things that add to skirmishes and fights. Having their healthpool actually there, giving cover, giving suppressing fire, utility abilities, and whatever else.

Giving Widow more mobility means that their solution would be to make flankers better to contest her better (They do NOT need to be overall buffed) and having one team member away from your teamfights is detrimental. Even if it’s both teams, there is one weakness:

Widow’s scope is still aimed at the fight while the flanker is on their way across the map to come for you.

I am not sure what that would be. Unless they let her hang upside down from any high enough surface like spiderman.

Good points here. Lots to think about.

I’ll give a tl;dr -

If Widow could get a headshot kill and have a hard time aiming to a new target to do the same thing, that would balance her and give reason to bring her back to 200 HP and make what SHOULD be her weakness which is her enemy moving.

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Yeah. Aside from obvious things like major changes to her ultimate, if Widow loses true persistent one-shots, whether that takes the form of DoT style stuff, making her scoped damage very similar to Ashe but with more range, or something else,

I’m thinking she should gain an ability that restores one-shots. Finite number of bullets, something like a 20-30s cooldown, and for the sanity of her opponents probably a voice line announcement like ultimates have and a significant visual, either nanoboost style aura or a visible laser (assuming she doesn’t end up with one normally). I play only on console, but in this case I think we’d be okay mapping it to the weapon swap button; I know button bloat is a valid concern generally from a usability perspective.

And given low uptime of this type of cooldown, we probably would need the damage profile buffed, not merely reverting her to the present live state of her rifle.


That could work. Not sure how they would code that in but makes sense in theory to me. Biggest issue, to me anyway, is not the one shots but consecutive one shots. Taking out half the team in less than 10 secs

Changing her weapon IS the answer, but health is obviously not something she needs. I’d give her three shots per clip, change her machine gun mode to a pistol or something, and maybe raise the charge amount her file needs to kill a squishy. That last one hinges on if she’s still too effective even with three shots.

This would enable her to have more down time in between shots so that more people can peek and take pot shots at her, it would stop her from just sweeping up all of the squishies on a team with relative ease, something widowmaker can’t do now unless she’s being played by some ultra master but for now I’ll pretend this isn’t true, and it also gives her a better weapon to deal with squishies while inserting a level of clunkiness to her weapon due to the weapon switch.

But the best part? It keeps Widowmaker close to as lethal as she was before, so no one she counters is getting too big of an indirect buff. This is important because the removal of a tank and ensuing indirect buff the snipers got due to that is why we’re here.

I also don’t think she needs a change to her ult because why should she have one? Its just X-ray vison, but does it need to be anything more?

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Quick question to everyone here reading this,

How would you feel about weapon sway? Her reticle does not move at all currently. That’s easy aim. What if she had weapon sway (We can make it to where it’s %0 or slightly higher like %5 at minimum) that raises and stacks with each fire but rapidly decays?

I am liking the ideas, but I also think Widow being able to panic or “Quick Fire” at the enemy for body shots is important to her viability. She does have too much ease for headshots, but her threat range is also pretty important and maybe an ammo reduction would make it way too easy to bait her fire and make her pointless in combat?

Not sure. I’d have to take some time to think on this. I like the pistol idea, though.

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Oh damn. I forgot about the charge time lmao. Lengthening the charge time but keeping the lethality could also work and minimize consecutive one shots, along with what the other poster mentioned above

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Skill issue, bad position , use cover etc.

Lol we all no you never will.

I’ve been wondering if it might be a reasonable idea to change the charge up from linear scaling to a tiered setup, assuming they don’t remove persistent one-shots from her.

Zero charge = 30 body / 60 head
Half charge = 75 body / 150 Head
Full charge = 120 body / 300 Head

Lets her pop Symmetra turrets with no charge, restricts squishy kills to full charge.

Applying that with ammo economy & reload changes might not be a bad way to adjust her if they don’t opt for a more drastic approach. And it wouldn’t be terribly difficult to compensate small tweaks like this by buffing her ult to give unlimited ammo and maybe reduced charge time.

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I mean, that’s pretty easy.

Do the poison damage thing from April Fools, buff her up to 200hp.

Then for any remaining gaps from there grapple cooldown buffs, and assault rifle spread buffs.

Maybe make it so she’s got the full instant damage during her Ult.

Oh, and for the heck of it, poisoned enemies can be seen through walls by Widow’s entire team. Both from her scoped shots and poison mine.

Also an indirect buff, but they’d probably nerf Ball, and nerf heals/peels a bit generally on Supports the compensate for the lack of burst damage kills.

As someone who also like to use skill issue, Widow does not qualify as such considering how wide open some maps are.

“Just use cover” is a joke if you play on Push maps…which we all do.

only if hanzo loses his 1 shot too

Poison shots completely kill her. She would be F tier. Healing is too strong in this game as-is. Sustain damage is completely 100 percent useless.

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It’s a skill issue other game players git gud.

Ow players come to forum and whine for nerfs.


Other games have way more enjoyable Sniper counterplay design.

No they don’t. Quickscoping makes snipers in other games impossible to counter.

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I should always expect Haihye and Grey to come in and fight each other in a sniper conversation at this point lollolollolololololoolo

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You have more enjoyable sniper counterplay than sombra tracer genji winstona ball doom to snipers woow.

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