Easy way to reduce Mercy complaints

Being fun (which is subjective), worthwhile, and balanced at once is very hard to do.

What we’ve been saying for the past months but okay. Anyway, here’s something that’s fun, worthwhile and balanced:


Just fun is enough, ty.

Flying around and mindgames were also part of her gameplay. But an e-ability which gives her some utility would have been nice back then. Could have made her more even more engaging and interesting. Maybe with a good enough e-ability you could have justified some fixes/nerfs to her ultimate to make it less “unfun to play against”. But hey whatever we are stuck with this crappy rework now yay! -.-


Well, that’s probably an easy way to destroy all their company’s popularity and make their quantity of Ow’s players to plummet, causing the company to have terrible results and people to be fired. Now guess why Blizz won’t do that. Just a hint: I’ve already told you.


Man, I thought the joke was obvious.

Guess not.

oh that works too


Best way to reduce Mercy complaints is to allow us to filter words. Specifically the word Mercy.

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60 hps
mass rez
damage boost
and a way to shut down ults.
no thanks

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To compensate for her net decrease in utility.

Historically underpowered but balance changes accompany it to make room for Pacify.

Always been there.

Never been an issue.

LĂșcio, Zen, Reinhardt, Ana, Orisa, Briggite, Symmetra and Moira shouldn’t exist if we were to follow your logic.


Why don’t we just give her 1000 HP and she can fly forever now

you sum it up pretty well “never been an issue before”. welcome to the club of we stack every iteration that made mercy OP into a mecha-mercy and see what happens
Not asking when too much, is too much.

They want the world, and aren’t willing to give up anything for it

That’s not balanced.

Damage boost has never been an issue.

No need to be hyperbolic. Either respond to my points or end this discussion now.


That’s the point. All of her current was never a question of when is too much, because we never had this fantasy land wish list of what else can stack onto her.

You want the highest mobility in the game

you want the highest sustain healing in the game

you want the ability to shut down dps ults

you want the ability to resurrect a whole team back to life

you want to maintain your ability to individually damage boost people

and the saddest thing of all. you think that’s balanced

Except, we’ve always been fine with her mobility and her mobility has always been worse than Tracer’s.

We’d be complaining about Moira’s existence then.

Other heroes have this privilege.

Yes. It was fun and balanceable unlike this garbage rework.

It’s almost like I’m speaking to a wall.

Saddest thing of all is that you think it isn’t
 This goes to show how much you know about the topic at hand, which is to say, not that much.

Let me try this with another hero:

You want the highest mobility in the game

You want the highest damage in the game

You want the ability to insta kill people with you ultimate.

You want the ability to kill entire teams.

You want to maintain the ability to teleport on a short CD.

And th saddest thing of all is that you think it’s balanced.

What you did can make any hero look unbalanced. Stop.


Let me fix the divide because you feel it’s unfair to point them out individually.

you want the highest mobility in the game
you want the highest sustain healing in the game
you want the ability to shut down dps ults
you want the ability to resurrect a whole team back to life
you want to maintain your ability to individually damage boost people
and the saddest thing of all. you think that’s balanced

in one character

You want the highest mobility in the game
You want the highest damage in the game
You want the ability to insta kill people with you ultimate.
You want the ability to kill entire teams.
You want to maintain the ability to teleport on a short CD.
And the saddest thing of all is that you think it’s balanced.

Arguing like this is pointless. Now, again, either address my points or end this discussion.


So what you’re saying is the way we balance our game is to steadily make everyone stronger, and when someone is weaker, buff them.

never nerfing the original offender, just buffing it’s adversary.

good balancing there, jeff. we know its’ you

How is it a buff? Turning Res from a CD ability to an ultimate is a net decrease in power
 Also, forgot to add, you say this:

As if it’s OP but Mercy had all of this before her rework, before invulnerability, and she was underpowered. That’s a omegalul right there.

Edit 2:

Explain the most recent balance changes for the supports. You’re acting as if power creeping is taboo.


It’s an “easy way” when you don’t say the hard part of how you gonna do that.
