East Coast Servers

How does Blizzard not host a server east of Chicago yet it claims to value fair competition. If I am playing in New England with 50 ping against players in Illinois with 20 ping how is that even remotely fair? Oh yeah, and EVERY GAME IS THAT WAY BECAUSE THERE ISN’T AN EAST COAST SERVER!

Just did some digging, and there’s actually a server in Columbus, Ohio. Which is good for me cause that’s where I live, but I’d assume it’d also make a significant difference for you. See if you can try connecting to that one.

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I also live in New England on a wired fiber optic connection and have at minimum 45 ping per match. Every 1 in 5 games or so I’ll get placed on a server with 100 ping.

Just another thing making OW2 feel worse to play. I remember servers being better and ping lower in OW1.

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The OW2 server concentration seems really weird to me. They have one on the west coast in LA while the other three are all easily less than 200 miles away from each other. They could at least put a server in Dallas and New York or something and keep the Chicago one.

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