Earned lootboxes by playing specific classes are not available to be opened even if they show up in the main menu

The overwatch quickplay prompts let you receive a number of credits for playing a certain class(usually tank or support)but they also sometimes give a random prompt for a lootbox.I have played four games with such prompts where ,at the end i was notified i received a lootbox.When i go to the specific menu though,it shows i have 4 unopened lootboxes in the title screen but 0 available when i click on them…Is this a bug or are those 4 lootboxes i earned locked for some reason?
If there is any way you could help i would really appreciate it.Never had this happen before and I have no idea why I wouldn’t be able to open lootboxes i earned fairly via the game prompt.I guess it is a bug?

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Click the arrows at the bottom, they are likely a different lootbox type.

Indeed.I completely forgot there was even another type of lootbox during events and assumed they should all be summer games ones.This fixed it.Thank you!