Early and unused map Concept art


Would you like some of these?

I would cause they look awesome


Berlin looks amazing, though I assume it was adapted into Eichenwalde.

Galapagos looks amazing, though I wonder how many of these have the possibility to be canon in the world of Overwatch. Iron Star would be interesting in regards to the lore and the science of Overwatch.


The Iris sounds interesting in an own of itself. Besides that, Amazon and Galapagos.

Yes. All of them. Even if they’ve already been turned into maps I don’t care just gimme

Wow…they all look stunning…

The bayou would be an excellent 2cp map.

Or ctf.

Or koth.

Not payload.

The Iris looks incredible; so does Iron Star. Would love to eventually see these :eyes:

That little farm looks cute! I wanna cause mayham on a quiet little farm.

I bet Iron Star was adapted into Volskya, giant robot theme and what not

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