D.va's upcoming mythic skin on reddit

someone remade a mech in armored core to dva’s color scheme… kind of neat

oh here is the reddit link



I fell for the clickbait


heh yea sorry about that. i know reddit… was just trying to make a discussion thread that isnt NERF this hero BUFF this hero… HERO TIER list… matchmaker sucks

you know the usual

You click baited me.


I can’t believe that forum user SparklyJEDI would clickbait me. Good gravy.


AC VI is my life now.

Got all 3 endings, working on the last 8 achievements I need… not sure about S ranking every mission though.

Absolutely great game


i always double check my posts and links to MAKE sure i dont send people to overwatch reddit **** … i do have some favorites there of course

was worrying a little lol

At least we D.Va mains didn’t cope as hard as them Mercy mains (especially “that” one person).

I had a minor heart attack for a second and then saw armored core.

If I bought the game I’d be making Dva’s mech too


Just starting to dig into AC6. Been decades since I played one. Remembering the fun of deep mech customization, and the frustration of unexpected difficulty spikes.

But the customization options are insane. It’s amazing to see a developer simply make it part of the base game instead of bleeding money out of people. But that’s From Software. They give you a complete game.


100% man. No paying for colour pallets, no paying for parts, no paying for extensions… full 3 course meal for endings, progression through each of them, rich lore and world building, accessibility for newer players (outside of getting filtered by the Helicopter or Balteus)… I’ve just got a little left to do before moving full time on to pvp.

With the success the game has seen, FS is already discussing future installations, it’s very likely we’ll get DLC for AC VI itself as all previously numbered AC games have…

What a time to be alive.


Oof. That was a pretty rough thing to put in so early on, especially since you haven’t had the ability to do any customization yet. A rough fight for my old reflexes. :smile:

i could see playing that game with that d.va mech and imagining your in the overwatch world in korea fighting null sector or some omnic faction that has huge mech robots.

also you could just imagine/roleplay its one of d.va’s many mechs she has in her garage… im sure she has a lot of mech variations in lore somehow

also here is a dunkey review


His review actually isn’t terribly incorrect. I mean he’s pretty 50/50 on it and speculates in classic Dunkey.

On the other hand, he did end up building the meme meta double gat & stinger tank build… surprised he didn’t just spam zimmermans.

Anyway, funny review, and not entirely wrong lol.


I was relieved to be deceived, actually. Don’t make me buy the battle pass, please.


you could always buy armored core instead. i might someday… never liked mech games tho, was never into that sort of thing but it does look cool


Can I terrorize the other players with “Winky face?”

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dont know about that but you never know, some modder someday may add voice packs to that game and make the mech say d.va stuff everytime it kills something. dont know if that game has good mod support

one of the cool things about bethesda games is mods. one of the reasons i wont buy starfield …now …but maybe in a couple of years if they have tons of crazy, cool mods. gonna wait and see what happens to that game down the road. may just not be skyrim at all and fade into oblivion never to be heard from again

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I hope not. That is ugly lol

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