Dva was OP, get over it

Looking at her pickrate she’s not that OP. But I don’t really care it’s not like I play her anymore.

Not really… When I played Brig, I notice so many games where the enemy team were making mistakes. Some games they over extended trying to kill me or they played scared.

You mean like what happened with the last nerf where Dva players adpated but people still complained about her being ‘OP’?

I noticed there’s a cycle this forum goes through with any hero they deem ‘OP’

Hero gets nerfed > complainers tell players of that hero to adapt > hero player adapts > complainers come back demanding more nerfs


There is literally no measurable stat that shows D.Va as anything other than thoroughly mediocre.

She’s only picked a lot (and even then it’s not anywhere near what people claim) through lack of choice for her role. We’re 3 years in and they have added 2 Main tanks, 3 main healers, 1 off healer, 3 DPS heroes, and a whopping ZERO off-tanks.


good bait OP
buff this

“D.va was OP! Adapt”

D.va mains adapt.

Months later

“D.va was OP! Adapt”

D.va mains adapt

Months later… And the cycle repeats without fail.


absolutely not. literally just stop lol.

did you miss the year where mercy took lucio’s place in the meta, or

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The fact that it took Mercy 2.0 at full power to replace him only proves the point.


what point? that lucio is as consistently meta as d.va? not true due to the existence of mercy 2.0


You are making the mistake of not looking at the options or lack of options more accurately. Also see below the quote

Maybe just maybe if a hero is nerfed 16 times in a row the problem was never that hero but other external factors? I mean its not like healers or tanks have all that many options. Especially when the important distinction of main/off and then this gets way worse. And then we need to look at what the main goal of the most popular comp is which even further filters the hero pool in the tank/healing pool when the hero pools of offtanks is only 3 heroes deep. Main/off healers are pretty much as limited as there tank counterparts but a little more forgiven solely due to the latest two additions to the game being support heroes.


Usually bad players say things are OP on stuff they can’t beat alone and refuses to team up with allies hence ignoring the teamwork in this game. Let’s face it that the community and developers killed this game original concept before it was born.


Weird that demeching her is suddenly a problem for everyone saying that this was deserved. D.Va gets nerfed? Just turn a blind eye to countering her and her nerfed armour, and suddenly all of your arguments become magically valid.

People don’t actually want to counterplay in a game designed around counterplay. Feelsentitledman.


I will state once again its never the hero’s strength that gets them picked. Its do they fit the best with the most popular strategy or don’t they. If you don’t fit doesn’t matter how good your numbers are if you can’t work with teammates as well you are not going to picked as well. Same is true for actual players of this game or any sport trying to make a competitive roster. Team fit > >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>strength

And when you have 3 heroes in a one role you are going to fit in a bit more than a hero with more than 2 competitors would.

His wall riding speed buff and his boops becoming more consistent don’t make up for his nerfs.


OP is trolling and we dva mains took the bait

Issue is even if you believe her to be OP, this change doesn’t really effect that.

All this does is just cut down on fringe cases and bad luck. It doesn’t really make your typical DVa any weaker.

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Imagine equating Genji’s nerfs to that of the ones that D.Va, Brigitte, and Mercy get.

He gets tiny slaps on the wrist while they have gotten the nerfhammer.


I totally agree with this post. D.VA’s matrix is one of the best spells in the game and definately needed some handling… It’s easy to use party breaker…

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I started to main rein and stopped D.va because I hate having to adapt every months.