(DVA Slaying 101) Support Guide For Beating The armor Changes


At-least D.Va will be a lot more viable.

People are really underestimating what 100 armor can do.


Rein zarya is already the most common duo in diamond and below.

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Mercy mains: Inserts the entirety of Yoshikage Kira’s speech
(Insert that dramatic music in the meet the spy tf2 video)
We only want you to believe you own the forums. At this point you have no escape, you are trapped in this thread, the support mains are coming, and you will have no hope against the onslaught.

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Yeah it’s quite a good buff for her.

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A healthy change too.

D.Va is naturally suppose to have a lot of armor thanks to her crit-box placement.

The armor change is 100% healthy.

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She will absolutely slaughter non-mobiles just like the old days.

As she should.

That’s what her niche should’ve always been.

Not a tank stuck to “certain maps.”

I can’t wait for her changes to come live!

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It is good for dva, that is without question. Will it be ENOUGH for dva?

That… I doubt, especially given the power of hitscan right now, DM can only do so much.

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old matrix: i.imgur.com/IOTFPEe.png
current defense matrix: https://i.imgur.com/ONkLsJc.png
needs thiccness back, not length. it was a secret nerf, so the dva mains are split on whether we want a 12m matrix.

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If we see a large pick rate in the coming weeks, then I’d say she’s balanced.

If not, a 12m defense matrix would fix everything else.

2 meters is an extra: 6.56168 feet. <— let’s just say 7 feet

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I will settle for fixing the janky hit registry for DM rather than area. How many times have you tried DMing a moira orb or projectiles coming from a diagonal that goes through even though it should not?

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That’s not the only issue she has right now.

Her matrix literally twist and turns LOL.

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I’m glad a bunch of people like you like my guide! Thanks!

May you die only to the good dvas :stuck_out_tongue:

Good guide

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Just an FYI for anyone playing Lucio into a Rein, booping him away when he gets close to your tank core is almost always 100% worth it. And booping his charges into a nearby wall can help save a teammate’s life (or end an unfortunate Ana’s life).




–Hana song, 2016


I wouldn’t gloat just yet. The change is still only experimental.

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Pretty sure it will go through

this is dva :nail_care:

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If Dva’s armor change goes through the Rein changes would most certainly go through. Seems like the rein change is to balance out DVA, making it harder to dive his space. The game will be different and not what everyone expect I suspect lol…

Lets just say i’m happy about the changes also.

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Yeah, she can be a bigger issue for Rein when she’s on the field than people realize, so punishing her when she’s being stupid and going into his space makes sense. This is why the people complaining that this rewards “bad Dva play” are clearly not thinking these changes through.