Dva needs a buff to DM

sense they are nerfing it why not give her a buff to compensate? Just add 1 extra second to how long she can use DM.


Why? Heroes shouldn’t always get buffs to compensate a nerf.


the longer toggle is to decrease the spamming of the ability, but giving it more up time it will lessen the down time and cause the same problem the change was trying to fix a.k.a D.va coming in and not letting anyone do anything.


Saw something on the PTR that merely suggested her resource recharge while it’s on cooldown.


They compensate for nerfs when a hero’s viability might end up in danger.

D.Va’s viability hasn’t been in danger since DM turned into source meter and most definitely, never will be in danger as long as she is allowed to have DM the way it is.


She has been in the meta, and a must pick for a very long time, honestly she could have been hit harder with the nerf bat… But I see why they did it, she is on the balance of “slightly too hard of a nerf makes her useless”


People keep spouting this “must pick” for Dva, yet she has a lower pick rate than Zarya. Rein on the otherhand has double the pick rate of Dva. Are we going to nef him now?


Because it’s still the most powerful ability in the game; it doesn’t need compensation.

People only say D.va is a must-pick in the context of professional play (where she is, and has been for over 2 years). Nobody actually claims that D.va is mandatory on ladder.


Rein is most picked champ in entire game .

have you made any post asking for rein nerfs?


When said hero is balanced, as her stats tend to show, compensation is necessary to maintain that status.

It isn’t. It doesn’t protect teams as efficiently as any other barrier and doesn’t guarantee picks as much as any CC or BioNade.

D.Va’s pro pickrate is due to two factors: she’s the best off-tank in Dive, as she should be, and the second best off-tank in triple tank situations.
It is not representative of her balance.
Her winrate however, shows that when in one team only, she loses more than she wins. She is simply picked because there’s no other choice.


It is. It can absorb an infinite amount of damage and is available often. It can also counter abilities that a barrier cannot effectively counter themselves (Gravaton is probably the most relevant example).

Speedboost, Discord Orb and BioNade are all up there among the top, but I think DM still ranks highest.

And why is there no other choice? Because no other hero has Defense Matrix.


Why the hell nerf needs compensation? Where are junkrats compensations for his fifty nerfs for no reason?

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Any barrier with 1HP can block an infinite amount of damage as long as it’s one tick.
Fact is: DM blocks less damage per game than every other barrier. Even Zarya’s.
It’s time based and not damage based because its purpose is to block burst damage.

20% uptime, less than Genji’s Deflect. And no, flicking it doesn’t increase its uptime.

The opposite is also true. Barriers block things that DM can’t. Overall, both Barriers and DM block the same amount of things.

Because we have three off-tanks.
Only one is mobile, so that’s supposed to be the best choice for Dive.
Only two are viable in the pro scene, so they’re the best choices in Triple Tank comps. D.Va is even switched out in GOATs for Winston or Mei.


Uh-huh but… 99% of damage being dealt is not in one tick.

No barrier is as versatile as DM, though. That’s what (at least, in my understanding) makes it better than everything else. You couple it with mobility and it’s available everywhere, whenever you need it.

Still a good uptime (assuming you’re using it where it matters which pros obviously are). Also a critical difference between DM and Deflect is that you cannot smother a teammate with Deflect to make them immune to most incoming damage. Dm is more… responsive.

I think a more simplified way of saying this is that none of the other offtanks are as good as Dva. Her versatility is infinite, no matter what comp you run her with (within reason) she brings great value. That is why she is picked as much as she is (and why the nerf is justified and she probably doesn’t need compensation).


And 80% of the damage isn’t dealt in the 20% time DM is available.

Uh, Reinhardt’s ? It has no cooldown unless you destroy it.

It’s almost like one is a DPS ability and one is a tank ability…
And yet, the DPS has more uptime on his. And it sends damage back. DM having less uptime than Deflect makes no sense at all.

That’s where you’re wrong. Zarya is picked way more on the ladder, has a better winrate and better stats Diamond and above, pros included. Zarya is THE best off-tank right now, and has been for the past six+ months.

It’s actually impressive how people like to point at D.Va’s “on-paper” strengths, and ignore actual facts and stats showing that despite all that, she’s worse than Zarya.


But it’s also slow and clunky. It cannot fly. It’s reliable, but not especially versatile. DM can go literally anywhere. Which means it can serve a wider range of purposes.

I think it makes perfect sense, since DM can actually protect teammates effectively and can block damage more reliably. It’s also much easier to use sudo-offensively, which separates it from Rein’s shield.

True that. In the context of GOATs (or Deathball in general, I guess) Zarya is stronger. However Dva has been meta longer than any other hero that I can think of, ever since she got DM on resource meter. There’s been essentially no situation or period of time where picking Dva hasn’t been a bloody great decision, since her original rework 2+ years ago. Which is why I think she’s due a nerf, unless we’re going to go and add a hero that can viably replace Dva (in the current state of the game there is none, since Triple Tank Deathball is better than 2/2/2 Deathball meaning Zarya cannot really replace Dva). Hey, go ahead and nerf Zarya too. I don’t think she deserves it as much but I certainly won’t be complaining if it were to happen.

tl:dr Zarya is meta-dependent, Dva is not.


Because not all heroes need a compensation buff.

And to be honest, and this is probably an unpopular opinion, but I think this game need nerfs more than buffs atm.


It isn’t clunky, much less than DM is.
A lot of projectiles go through DM when they clearly should be blocked, such as Moira orbs, Halt, Dynamite, even Grav. Rein’s barrier isn’t clunky at all, the only issue is when it doesn’t block Earthshatter, but that’s due to the ult itself.

You think it makes sense that a DPS can protect himself longer per game than a Tank ?

I think you forgot Zen and Lucio…

Between said rework (Jul 16) and her buffs (Nov 16) she was trash tier.
She was also trash after her Jan 17 nerfs, to the point Zarya was the go-to off-tank in Dive. It took her around 5 months to take that spot.

That’s a meta issue, not a D.Va issue. If we were in a Deathball 2-2-2 meta, and we ARE in the ladder, Zarya would be picked as the off-tank. And that’s EXACTLY what’s happening.

D.Va is meta dependant, as her ladder stats show. Literally, if GOATs was 3 supp, 2 tanks and 1 DPS, she wouldn’t be picked, her pro pickrate would be equal to Winston’s.
GOATs is 3-3 instead, but that’s not D.Va’s fault, as she’s replaced often in that comp by either Winston or Mei. If she was a key element, she wouldn’t be swapped.
You just agree with these nerfs out of spite. You don’t want balance.


She’s strong enough as it is, no buffs necessary.


Remove her freaking rockets then we can talk.

She’s fine and this isn’t even the worse possible nerfs they could have gone with.

It’s literally like a pulse bomb nerf.