D.Va needs a Archive Skin as-well as a Christmas Skin!

Yes, I need to be fed.

D.Va needs an Archive skin as-well as Christmas this year.

There’s no way D.Va can go… 4 years without one.

Main Thread:


Oh but but designing a mech is HARD!!!
So its okay we pass her up again for another year~ /s


Okay? And?

Team 4 doesn’t have anything better to do.


Insert Overwatch 2 Copium Meme here

Wait. She doesn’t have an archives skin too?

So hard that even several legendaries are reusing the same mech.


It’s always bewildered me that designing skins for D.Va (a hero who needs 2 separate skins) is apparently “Too hard”, but designing skins for Bastion (a hero who needs 3 skins that all have to physically transform into one another) is apparently just fine.


They even asked someone from the designers about skin for which hero is hardest to make and they said bastion. yet he gest tons of skins. Someone at the top is surely a bastion main xD

Dva gets passed up a LOT.
Its so frustrating.

Exactly :joy::joy: but its the same flimsy excuse people give everytime someone mentions dva getting passed up. Heck people excused symm getting skipped for over two years straight. Must be comfy getting event skins every other event for other mains though


Unfinished mech epic weekly challenge skin if they are going with the story route. If its just history based then something related to south korean history. But I don’t want history skins. I want lore skins like Soldier 76 “Soldier 76” since Reaper has “Soldier 24”

I just want one good Christmas Dva skin. A high quality legendary skin, not a reused asset mech, it needs to be a complete skin redesign.


It’s not Christmas without a Xmas D.Va skin thread

I’ll miss it if D.Va gets a skin this yr tbh LOL

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Her Academy skin should have been for Archives.

Open one anyways and ask for a 2nd Skin :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Even if it wasn’t the cute art design teased from their #HappyHeroDays merch giveaways years ago, in particular, the one titled “MEKA Matrix”

as seen HERE:

which was originally found HERE:

I understand mechs are hard to design. Therefore I would still be happy even if the mech was simply made into a giant transparent glass snowglobe, so we can see Hana inside getting snowed on. Also literal glass mech—which you know—is completely appropriate given its fragility.

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D.va will always be #2 priority until then

No. D.Va #1.



At this point i’ve just accepted Academy D.Va as her Archive skin since that explains a bit of her lore

If Dva and Orisa gets winter themed skins, I will be so happy.

Let’s take it 1 step at a time. 1st, we target Christmas.

Yeah. That is probably why I was thinking that she only lacks a xmas skin.

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