"DVa buffs will make her more Fluid" Yet she still has a 48% win rate in Masters

And i see it as a way to abuse dive tanks even more.

Dive tanks can only do so much.

Dive hasn’t been meta for over 2 years, so dunno what this “even more” is coming from.

im saying, if they nerf Orisa and Sigma and add that, D.Va/Winston would die easier since shotguns would do x2 the amount of damage on that.

I’m so confused, can you explain it more to me please lol


Then buff up those specific heroes hp/armor ratio, or give more healthpool.

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Maybe buff the armor ratio on dive tanks.

Winston: 100 armor to 200 armor
D.Va: 200/400 armor


I could explain a lot of bit more.

[✅] Expanded DoubleBarrier fixes

In short, DoubleBarrier is too strong at medium/long range, so give it a close range counter.
And Dive is a more fun close-range counter than ReaperSpeedboost comps.

Btw, I like emojis.

If you want, you can put this in your title:


Okay, thanks!

Just from a fundamental standpoint, why the hell does D.Va have a kit so bloated that almost every ability button has multiple things bound to it, but ALL of it is terrible, accomplishes next to nothing and lacks any internal synergy?

Like, Reload is the only thing not bound to a skill, she’s got two entirely different weapon systems, NEITHER GOOD AT KILLING ANYTHING, and BOTH punishing her in different ways. On top of every other ability having some kind of punishment built in.

What does Blizzard think she’s good for?
What are players even supposed to be doing with her?

She can’t tank. She’s not a killer. She’s not even the most mobile tank.
Everloving cripes; trying to find a shred of rationale about any aspect of how she is now hurts. It’s utter nonsense.


None of those words you said translate to winrate. Fluid and responsive does not guarantee power.

Exactly, that’s my point.

D.Va needs more POWER.


Maybe try this, with spaces around the emoji
[ :cherry_blossom: ]

Seems like it works easier on mobile

ill try that.

Well I mean if they put the boosters back at 3 seconds she will likely be meta again as she was before. It is not as though she is that far behind the other tanks after all.

Wrong. She is fluid. Otherwise, people would not care about her state.

D.va isn’t meta in OWL because of Echo/ Ashe

And hasn’t been on ladder because of the Rein/ Zarya synergy being Ladder’s favourite. Even when D.va was the most used tank a few months ago, she didn’t see much usage on ladder

she was momentarily good with the 3 sec boosters, but they quickly nerfed that.


I really hope they put this on experimental tomorrow. Hell, even just the armour without the damage would go a long way. But yeah, she probably does need the damage too considering that Orisa and Sigma are at hog levels of damage with shielda on top, let her shred their shields.

we just need sigma and orisa nerfs. I think dva is better than zarya rn because close range damage and targeted sustain isnt rly viable rn. Sigma has equal if not more spam but more sustain. Dva has highground, less damage, sustain, but doesnt match sigma. In a vacuum dva vs zarya has the zarya winning but highground and attention to dps make rein zarya sometimes worse than rein dva. Tbh ball monkey is worse than monkey dva. Dva sustain is more important than overall damage cause brig and sig exists. Like relying on damage into brig bap sig doesnt do anything. Dive now adays is just to contest until ur dps can pop or u get ults. piledrive forces out abilities that last longer or as long as the dive

I disagree. Zarya’s bubble enables both her tank partner and carry dps (like Genji and Doom), while DVa really lacks a reliable way to do a similar thing.

Likewise, Graviton Surge is just WAY better of an ult than bomb is. Not to mention Zarya’s hit box is a lot smaller than DVa’s, especially when it comes to crit box (DVa still has the largest head hit box in the game).