Duplicate in legendary in lootbox

Yes? There’s always a chance for duplicates once you’ve unlocked one, the more you already have unlocked, the higher the chance. Just take the credits and work towards another loot box, or use those credits to buy one you specifically want.
That’s the whole thing with loot boxes, it’s a gamble. Sometimes you win, other times you don’t. The more skins you already have unlocked (especially come this event) the higher the chance of getting duplicates are

Duplicates no longer work this way. You cannot get a duplicate until you have gotten all cosmetics for a certain tier in a certain event, or in the regular pool.

Keep in mind, I have everything unlocked that you can possibly get from any loot box, including all previous events. There is nothing left but new items.

Every event, the first few boxes are always new items, then it starts throwing a duplicate here and there and within 2 or 3 boxes they are all duplicates unless its a harder chance slot (like legendary) until finally even those are unlocked then all dupes after that.

This is how its been for me for the past 3 years.

I even have several box opening videos for proof if needed.

Items are determined at the time the loot box is received. So the following are possible causes to getting a duplicate legendary in the Legendary Lootbox.

  • You already unlocked the skin by spending gold currency .
  • Purchasing the 50+1 Legendary Box will determine the items in the 50 boxes first before the Legendary box. So the Legendary box might have a duplicate Legendary if you only had a few Legendary items to get overall.

Is that true? Interesting. That’s nice, but I don’t know what tf happened with OP then

This is most likely what happened. Because that is precisely what happened to me last event. I bought the 60+1 and the legendary had a dupe, but after opening the others it clicked. I did forget that till just now. lol

Well, that’s obviously to be expected. You’re gonna already have the cosmetics from previous events, so it will give you all the new ones almost immediately (due to the rules I stated in my first post) and when you’ve got them all, all items will be duplicates.

What exactly would this prove?

Point is, there is more to the OP than it would appear. So the only way they got a duplicate is because they had unlocked the items in that tier already, or have a lot of lootboxes they haven’t opened yet.

Hell I have over 400 normal boxes TO open yet.

What I have been saying. What else?

I’m just saying, there’s nothing needed to be proven there because all of what I’m saying lines up with your experience.

You actually can.

I once got the same legendary skin twice in one lootbox, even though there were others I didn’t have unlocked.

Though I have to admit that this is a very special and probably extremely rare case :stuck_out_tongue:

Again, it might be a situation like I described in my first post.

the game doesn’t seem to take into account what you have in your unopened lootboxes when determining what should be in the new one

Yeah, but what you are saying doesn’t explain the OP’s complaint.

They are saying they expected a guaranteed legendary. Which they got. But it was a duplicate, which is because… Of what I have been talking about and what even Myst pointed out.

The system will only give you a dupe if you have that tier completely unlocked within the normal loot/event related loot before that box. Halloween boxes for example will only give you loot for Halloween items and normal loot items. That’s it.

If you had stockpiled a bunch of normal boxes, well they may have hidden legendary items as well for example. But they were before the legendary box given to us today.

Yeah, but the ones you didn’t have, were they from different events from the event that you got one in? There are several factors here and people overlook a lot of them.

Yes, I know, but the system only checks for the event pool it’s picking from. If it’s picking from the Halloween Terror pool, and you already have all the legendaries from that event, you will still receive a dupe even if you have unobtained legendaries in other events and/or the regular pool.

They were from the same event as the duplicate.
The game doesn’t consider whats in the lootbox itself when it comes to avoiding duplicates.

Yes it does. Loot is determined when getting the box, not opening it. Anything in a box that isn’t opened is ahead of newer boxes you get later.

The 405 normal loot boxes I have yet to open I know all have duplicates. Every single one of them. I plan to open them once I leave gold border.

Yes, I know.

I had updated that post right after posting for clarity.

Yeah, so we agree. Nothing to argue about then.

Yeah, but I don’t agree with your theory that the boxes checks off event before available items during the anniversary. I stated its possible, but I have yet to see it and several anniversaries later no change.

Now I have seen that happen I think once or twice in the last 5 years. But I would accept that as a potential, though rare.

yes… but I didn’t say that

when it creates a new lootbox: it produces a list of candidate items by taking the full list of eligible drops (which varies from event to event), then it subtracts the items in your hero gallery from that, then randomly selects from those (for some version of “random”)

… but it doesn’t seem to subtract the items in your unopened lootboxes

so if you have 200 unopened lootboxes then your guaranteed legendary could dupe with another in an unopened box