Dumb q but I assume torbs alt fire is better for shield break

Does the distance matter? My baptiste put down that ult and i hit my overload to break shield and used sec fire. should i have used prim?

if you can crit with primary you can 1 shot with torb’s m1

Just talking about shield break

The secondary does more damage if all the pellets hit, which would make it better for shield break. However it also has damage falloff, so it may depend on your distance from the shield.

LMB: 70dmg a shot x 1.67 shots a second = 116.9 dps.
Total of 18 shots over 10.77s.

RMB: 125 per shot (10 pellets x 12.5dmg) x 1.67 shots a second = 208.75 dps.
Total of 6 shots over 3.59s.

Reload time 2s.

It’s almost like an Ashe dilemma where you do more damage with one mode, but have better sustained damage in the other. The good news is your reload time is constant throughout.

RMB if you absolutely need to break the shield now (and not in fall off damage range)
LMB if you’re just putting damage into the shield.

Also, you can still RMB as long as you have 1/18 ammo in your gun, so definitely use that at the end if optimal.

I think falloff is 10-20 meters from what I saw