Dropping 100 SR in plat?

I just dropped 100 SR after my support game. I played Ana and got around 12,000 heals, my Moira teammate got 25,000. We did lose the game, of course. Is this the norm?? Did something change?

Were you doing your qualifier matches?

Low level accounts are much more prone to huge swings, because the match maker is unsure of your skill… :wink:

This is my second season ranked as a support, and no I was not doing my qualifiers. Was already ranked.

Were you plaing agains people that are below plat mayby?

Ahh, I see. Must be random chance then. I’ve lost games before at lower SRs and this is the first time I lost 100.

I know that right after I did my first 2/2/2 placements my SR growths/losses were massive. I gained/lost between 50 and 60 SR for the next few matches on Support and DPS (never bothered with Tank).

it’s not high heals that carry games but good heals as well as surviving as long as possible.

If for example you see your Rein 1/2 HP and with good shield and your Soldier critical on high ground obviously hoing for a play you should prioritize the Soldier. Rein can use shield for a while and wait.

Healing Rein immediately will make you farm stats but if your Soldier is dead he can’t contest the Ashe on high ground and she will kill the whole team. So see you can choose to either farm dtats or actually do the smart play that wins the game.

the game totally rewards you for padding stats way more than it should.

the medal system is pretty irrelevant in many instances. you could be on tracer or sombra, keep the enemy healers busy but have low kills and damage, but in doing so your team wins most of the team fights. i have seen it, i have done it. it is not rewarded as much as playing selfishly for stats.

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How long was the game? Was it a 20 minute match or a 30 minute match?

Your average per 10 might be taken into account ; and there’s a pretty big difference between a player averaging 4k per 10 minutes and 6k per 10.

Sure, but the system never sees that. If I’m playing support on a team that is rolling the enemy team, we obviously need less heals because of that. Yet the end result is that my total heals are low for that match, which punishes the player with less SR for a win

Could have just been a bad night, not too uncommon. I wouldn’t be too worried unless it becomes a trend over a few days.

nope this is not true at all a win is a win and will always be an SR gain. You might play horribly and gain 17 SR instead of 24-27, but 17 SR is still better than a loss. If you win with bad stats also, chances are high that you got carried.

By flexing to appropriate heroes and doing the right play, stats generally naturally follow. Most important ones are elims per 10 and deaths per 10, for support stuff like healing per 10 and nano assists etc. If you’re a good player you will have naturally average or above stats in all categories. It might be that in a particular game you will get punished for doing the right play due to the randomness of Plat and lower (random Reaper flanking and nobody peeling for you), but even then the deaths that you suffer due to “bad players getting rewarded for a bad play” will be comparatively low compared to the value you get for doing the right play. So yes on a bad team you might win but due to the flanking Reaper gain only 21 SR instead of 23, but at least it’s better than trying desperately to pump your stats and suffer a loss which will be -17 SR only because you farmed stats but you lost. 21 > -17.

Staying in spawn is what makes you have bad stats. Since most deaths can be prevented, it’s you dying that makes you have bad stats.

the SR “loss” due to performance is only like 4-5 SR I wouldn’t worry about it. Focus on winning.

Also if you are on the worse team and your tanks are feeding, if you use cover effectively and healbot your feeding tanks, it sounds like your heals per 10 should naturally be high, not low.

You got half the healing of a Moira while being a main healer yourself, in what I assume was a very long game. That’s not indicative of good performance, unless you were straight up fragging all game long. Also, heals per 10 mins matter, not total healing.

If you play comp alot, 100 SR isn’t much to be honest. That’s about less than the average amount someone would hover around.

Ever heard of “regression to the mean”?

Don’t focus too much on how this is about “should we give positive feedback or negative feedback” just consider that “does doing X cause my performance to fall? Does doing Y cause my performance to rise?” Where X and Y could be positive/negative feedback or in this case playing DPS or supports.