Drop Competitive Ranking For Wins and Replace With Performance

I will keep this post simple, comp needs to drop the win ranking SR and replace it with Points awarded based on the performance of the average curve of a character. You would base it on a performance curve of averages for different characters across the platform. For example, if the average reign player blocks 10K damage per game and you block 12K you get awarded a positive sr.

The game would look at all the stat lines for that character and devise a set amount of points based on your performance. This forces players to perform better then the average or risk losing SR, while pushing down players that truly are bad from higher ranks. This eliminates caring about troll picks and bad players ruining a game for everyone because you can still rank even if someone decides to throw/quit/troll, etc.

A system like this will also encourage players to perform well at all times or they will lose sr if they donā€™t perform above the averages for that character and rank. This will also allow players to know how good they are with a particular character and have them second guess picking that character again in comp.

You can keep the bronze through high tiers and base the averages off that/ per level.


But what if I told you numbers are deceptive? And that many drop as you go up the ladder or at least flatline? Stats arenā€™t everything. Maybe you blocked too much ahd your team needed a bit of protection from that hammer. If youā€™re not winning why on Earth do you think you should be climbing? This would encourage stat padding and no one would care for the win as itā€™d be meaningless.


It would be across all he stats for average, not just one major one, so if all you did was block, but the average does three other things it would average the sr to either postive or negative based on performance

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Youā€™re missing the point. Who cares how good your numbers are if you arenā€™t winning? What if your damage doesnā€™t kill? Or you elim a lot but you only poked? Who cares? If you are better than your rank then you should be climbing and thatā€™s a metric everyone understands.


As for winning this will come naturally with everyone trying to beat the averages for their character to rank up. It is a win win for every match, and if someone throws, you may never see the again if they donā€™t ever perform well. And the people that do really well with ā€œtroll picksā€ will be a huge asset at higher levels.

You canā€™t play bad in a system like this making the games extremely competitive. With a system like this if you truly deserve to win you will while ranking up.

In the current system a great player can consistently get stuck on teams with people that continually throw games because someone picked a player they donā€™t want to see. It would be different if this were a solo game, but since it is team based one teammate can bring down an entire match forcing you to lose sr even if you were performing well. This eliminates that.


Yep something needs to be changed about sr gain/lossā€¦

just lost another game with 3 leavers after round oneā€¦ I had gold elims as Moira, gold healingā€¦ and gold obj timeā€¦ yet i dropped a good amount in SRā€¦ I didnt had a fair gameā€¦ not even a chance to winā€¦ my gold healing, my gold elims and obj time, all for nothingā€¦ so yep im def for a big change of thisā€¦


This isnā€™t going to happen because itā€™s dumb. Who wants to play in a system where everybody is just worried about stat farming? Thereā€™s a reason PBSR was removed from the top ranks (and should have been from the rest) - itā€™s inaccurate and fails to take into account what is important.


How is basing a system on performance dumb?

Last sentence. There are little things that make you more likely to win games which stats canā€™t see, and basing SR gains solely on stats just encourages stat farming. Why would I put myself at risk of dying to make a game winning play if it doesnā€™t matter? Iā€™ll just get a bunch of kills then hide when things get scary to preserve my precious k/d.


Would probably like something as that since the SR would be more consistant. But the huge problem with that is that the main goal (which is winning the game) gets replaced by more ā€œegoisticā€ goals.

That is the beauty of the full average of all the stats, not just one stat. If you simply go for kills but fall below the average on X amount of categories you will still lose SR. This forces a player to play the game the way it was intended. Enforces switching and ensures you play only the best characters that will gain you the sr that you are good at. You canā€™t stat farm and if you are stat farming all the categories, the chances for the entire team to win is higher. That means everyone is playing to win their individual stats. So only the players not capable of meeting the stat average will lose sr, everyone else trying will not penalized for sub par play. Wins can simply be an extra boost to the SR as well as a bonus for the entire team.

There is no flaw in the system, because if forces everyone to play at a high level at all times. You canā€™t conserve one stat over another since it would be an average of all the stats. You are forced to play all levels of the game as efficient as possible.

An additional point -/+ could be if two players of the same character face off against each other, the better of the two will gain/lose SR based on how well they perform as well. I am sure if someone at blizzard looked at it more closely then us spit balling they can come up with a much better system that rewards players for performance instead of a simply win/loss system, as most players are leaving this game because the climbing system is useless.

Dude, you need to listen to what people are saying instead of continuing to repeat yourselfā€¦ basing SR completely on stats instead of winning games is ridiculous.

I mean, what if you have a team of 6 dps mains? Then no one is going to play healer or tank because their best role is dps and they donā€™t want get punished by the SR system in your scenario by playing tank or healer which they are not as good at

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This would lead to intense stat padding and enemies feeding into eachother constantly to gain as much sr as possible. This is a terrible idea.

They need to remove performance based SR from plat and below, not make it even worse.

This is an objective based game. The only thing that matters is if you can properly fulfill the objective, even if it means jumping off the map once half your team gets wiped.

PBSR is fine. SR for wins is fine. PB rating alone would be an absolute terrible idea. I can see everyone trying to play moira going after 5 golds and always losing being like, I"M DE BEST, MY TEAM SUX.

No thanks.

doesnt stop trolls. When one person on your team trolls it effects everyones numbers.

this is how you fix SR. Have customer service watch games. When people throw you ban them for the season. Next time you ban them from Competitive forever. FIXED.

There is a major problem with this regardless of how many stats you average over:
Playing well with many heroes have nothing to do with numerical stats. Nothing!

Here are some examples:

  • A Sombra can carry her team utterly and completely, without having a single medal. She can dominate games without a single medal, and without having a million hacks. Her job is to assassinate (canā€™t be measured by stats), disrupt and distract (canā€™t be measured by stats) and set up kills and pushes for her team (difficult to measure by stats).
  • A Reinhartā€™s job is to create space and protect his team. His damage, kills, objective time, and even damage blocked doesnā€™t really matter. You canā€™t measure how much space he creates as a stat.
  • A Mercyā€™s main job is healing (naturally), but the point isnā€™t to heal as much as possible. The point is to heal and rez the right people at the right time. A GM Mercy will know who to heal and when, whereas a lower ranked Mercy will heal the wrong people. Healing prioritisation canā€™t be measured as a stat either, since it depends entirely on the game situation.

In all these examples, using a pure performance-based rating would mess everything up since it would award you for doing the wrong things.


What people are missing is that if everyone is performing at their highest level because they know their SR is based on performance, they will never throw the game as they could care less at that point if Joe down the block is throwing the game. You eliminate win/loss you eliminate the troll based play.

Also a team that wins would also account into the SR ratings as a bonus, you are not losing your SR rank, you are simply putting it in as one factor instead of it being the main reason for SR.

On the losing side, if you lose you could still potentially gain SR in this system even with a poor team, albeit a smaller increase, but still rewards players high performance players even if they lose as long as they were performing at high level.

It is not me not listening to the overwatch community, but many of you set in your ways to think outside the box for improvement.

I am sure 99% of people have played in games where they performed extremely well and still lost 30 SR just solely on a loss, not based on the game being extremely close, Or other games where you were winning then someone disconnected and all of a sudden you lose 30SR just because you got steam rolled due to the imbalance. (SR Exaggerated, I know it fluctuates)

This system creates balance in all aspects of the game. Also poor players in the current system get rewarded by being carried by good players. These players should get pushed down, and good players should be rewarded for good play ability.



This is why it is based on a curve, if the average Mercy does healing and damage, while absorbing X amount of damage per game, and all you are doing is healing you will fall below the curve and lose SR, if you are above the curve you gain sr. So really, this forces a Mercy main if they want to climb to be good at all aspects of the character instead of just one stat. Also the curves would still be based per rank so the curve for a bronze would look different for diamond for example, this allows you to still go through the rankings but also improve your game as you move up until you hit the highest levels with the most difficult curves.

This separates the truly elite players. Same goes for reign for ā€œspaceā€ this is calculated as Damage Blocked, times you die, etc. It is not hard to create average curves with the existing stats in place for each character.

@ [ExpLic]

It is not about gold medals, it is about if those stats actually beat the curve, you could have 5 gold medals but still underperform against the average SR for the character. For the Medals to really matter you had to beat the curve not have the most medals.

In menu pop up, you can have something like this 5 Kills (Community AVG 12) 10 Deaths (Community Average 3) This allows a player to see how they can gain sr directly by trying to continually outperform. Etcā€¦

I think what youā€™re overlooking is that this would actually increase throwing and toxicity immensely. And people arenā€™t set in their ways, we HAD performance based SR for years and it was terrible.

How do you beat the curve and outperform other people in the same role? Onetrick and master that hero. Comp would soon be full of 6 random onetricks on each team doing their own thing to get enough stats. No one will ever, ever fill to win, because if youā€™re a dps main and your team needs a rein, you know your stats are going to below average and that would count against you even if you end up winning.

What if they have a tracer who is destroying your backline, and you make the swap to torb to keep her back? Sure you arent going to have they experience to compete in stats with people who play torb a lot, but just countering that tracer carry might be enough to win even if you dont really outperform. But in the PBSR system youā€™d be punished for that game winning swap

Also. Reins in plat are going to block a lot more damage and probably swing around like a maniac and do more damage than reins in t500 because they waste their shield and have no clue how to engage or what they should actually be blocking. So if youā€™re a great rein in plat, the system is going to look and see you actually have less stats than average and penalize you.

FURTHERMORE, as a mercy main who spent 5-6 seasons in GM and T500, I can tell you stats on mercy are almost totally useless. Sure a great mercy is going to have better stats than a bronze, but 10000 healing by a t500 mercy is going to be vastly more effective than 10000 healing by a silver etc.

The system has no way of knowing if youā€™re making clutch saves or saving your carry dps instead of getting stats by just pumping pointless heals into your dva for stats

So much of the skill in the game is about making the IMPORTANT game winning plays even if your stats arenā€™t amazing. Youā€™re looking at it in a very black and white, Pro-vs-Noob way but thatā€™s not how it works on ladder.

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