Dream skin for your main

i kind of forgot but i always wanted a blood elf skin for mercy. green eye orbs and long ears and red silvermoon colors. would be so hot

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bring back the genji and symetra skins and then add a bunch of other wow skins like dva your mercy idea a Tauren winston and orc hog


Optimus Prime Rein skin.

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smite did it not off the table would be cool

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Samurai themed skin for Hanzo

School girl Kiriko lol

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Doom guy Reaper w/ Dual Super Shotguns would be sick though.

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Kitty Tracer or Kitty Mercy

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There are such great Ana skin concepts out there that it’s really hard to think of a dream skin, but honestly any or all of these would be amazing.


those all look great wow. also great warframe

and again how do you guys post pics i cant seem to it says i cant

Judge Dread, Hellboy or Spawn.

Don’t care for which character.

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lol all for genji just to make the forms burn

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that’s my problem I miss spelled nade without he e when talking about ana and got suspended

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Brig in any casual wear whatsoever

Pharah as Rei or Asuka from evangelion, WITHOUT a helmet for once


Lmao omg that is so funny. Also I’m so sorry. But wow, that’s gotta be in the top 10 funniest reasons for getting a suspension… :joy:

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Still wouldn’t matter to me.

They could give them all to Pharah (Hellboy would be the weirdest on her lol) and I’m sure they’d be fine visually.

The price on the other hand.

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I just want Magician Genji to be real.


Where is the bikini mercy lol… Isnt that low hanging fruit enough for blizz to do.

Tbh D.va would make more sense for an eva skin

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Trickster Kiriko and pilot mercy