Dragonblade rework: 100% swift-strike

oh get over yourself jesus christ

that’s enough forums for today… peace.

I’m comparing myself to Nixon… do you think that paints me in a reverent light???

Or do you think it’s a commonly understood phrase to make a point about bias.

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But shouldn’t you increase the damage a little, or decrease the recovery time, as the damage out of blade would be worse, since you wouldn’t get the +50 damage of dash, I guess that now it would have the movement ability every swing instead of only after killing a player, but a good Genji already gets the finishing blow on the target so it would be much better for them to keep the better burst of 170 damage, I feel like this lowers his skill floor and ceiling a lot while using blade, as missing dash would make you unable to come back most of the time, with this change you’d be able to do it every time, I feel like there should be something to increase the reward of doing it right, maybe add some sort of something like dash reset, so you get something when you get an eilm with it, I don’t know what exactly but you need to coverup for the loss of the better burst.
But overall it is a very creative idea, and I kinda like it to be honest, something just seems off to me.

More leaning to decrease the damage and significantly increase the attack rate.

Reduce the damage so stacking nanoboost and mercy boost is still below 200 damage. 110 damage slash would do it.

It’s 0.3 sec to complete the dash movement, granting 0.4 sec reaction time to orient for the next shot dash. So, reduce the attack recovery from 0.9sec to 0.7sec. Can now get in 9 slashes for the ult rather than only 7.

Currently you can only get 7 slashes if you DON’T initiate with a dash, if you try to initiate with a dash then you can only get out 6 slashes.

Except 170 damage is NOT enough to secure a kill without being damage boosted but is enough if damage boosted.

We’re back to the same balance problem of massive tipping to one extreme or another based on whether it is or isn’t damage boosted.

I’ve tested the size of Genji’s dash hitbox, it’s gargantuan.

If you missed a dash it wasn’t because your skill didn’t reach an incredibly high ceiling, it’s because your target had great reaction times like Fade to totally shut down the attack regardless of how perfect your aim or timing was.

That is what an ultimate ability should be.

The ultimate just isn’t that special because Genji has to reset swift-strike the same as normal.

You’ve already worked for this, you worked to get the ult charge, Hanzo doesn’t need to secure kills to boost the power of his arrow.

The problem with giving ANY reward for kills is the snowball effect, that is unbalanced. That causes the ultimate to waver too much in extremes

As it should when not countered. It’s a combination of two ultimates.

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That’s really never been what snowballing is, but whatever. Giving Genji infinite dashes during ult is a complete removal of the counterplay (which was stopping his dash resets) that was there before and this would overall be a huge skill floor raising buff. I don’t know what got into you that you’d prefer a Genji dashing repeatedly regardless of whether or not he got kills. Nanoblade would be an even stronger combination than it is now because dash is very much easier to land and covers a larger area than Dragonblade swings.

We will not complain about unfair treatment if nanoblade is removed in favor of other buffs, at least not here, because most of the Genji players on the forums don’t want nanoblade to exist because it’s holding back Genji from having the kit power that normal heroes do.

Again, I think you should stick to commenting on heroes that you’ve actually took the time to learn and understand. Infinite 120 damage dashing is disgusting, combine Nano with it and he’s even more powerful than before because you can’t even hit him, regardless of whether or not he gets a kill.

I think you mean well but this is very far off from ideal Genji changes. We don’t want our hero made significantly easier and more of a blade bot.

I suggest you try this in workshop and see how overpowered 120 damage dashes every 1 second during the ult would be. Then change the numbers up to simulate nano. It’d be the best ult in the game.

It’s not that his kit is bad, it’s just outdated. There are too many other heroes who are more effective or too many flank counters. And similar to Sombra you can’t really do much with his kit.

Oh come on, if that’s not what snowballing is then what is?

Let’s not have any carefully chosen definition designed to carefully exclude Genji.

That’s snowballing.

That’s flipping from extremes of too weak to too powerful.

There is definitely a problem with a game that NEEDS things that reliably shuts down dashes without also making Genji’s dashes too weak outside of his ult.

You do know: concern over snowballing.

It makes powerful and reliable stuns a necessity, the game shouldn’t cause powerful ult combos to tip from one extreme to another.

People don’t like stuns and REQUIRING stuns be good to stop ults from snowballing is standing in the way of game balance.

yeah, I don’t want it to be weak.

That’s not a promise you can make.

Not for other people.

That’s the problem, you’re too focused on Genji.

You’re missing how he reliance on things that interrupt dash resets unbalances the game. So many heroes need to have abilities that are so good and reliable for an ultimate that they’re too good used everywhere else.

No it wouldn’t because you’re no dealing combos over 200 damage.

120 boosted by 50% is less than 200 damage so although it’s a dash every second it’s not a kill every second on non-tanks.

That’s a HUGE difference.

Ults like trans, beat, grav, shatter … more unreliable but still working are visor or deadeye
Otherwise you can pick high mobility heroes who can escape Genji before he get them … fade, translocate, ice and so on.

Observations and statistics. The nanoblade teamkill is like the Mercy mass rezz … everyone is whining about it but it actually rarely happens. 3 kills with nanoblade would be nhuge and I almost never see more … not without grav. And if nanoblade were that busted Genji would have a much higher pickrate like Hanzo had with grav dragon.

So in other words… it’s bad.

For how the game is now. His base kit sucks, so therefore needs buffs. But you cannot buff that and leave blade as it is now.


The game in general is in a terrible state … it’s not something Genji specific. And it’s not that his kit is trash, they made so many dumb changes to the game that he doesn’t have a place in it any more. You can’t tweak his kit a little and make him work, you would need an entire rework … and we all know how great reworks turned out so far.

considering the beam stays attached for 1~2s after reaking los, not quite tbh. but defs not as consistent as current nanoblade tho.

Snowballing is like a cartoon snowball rolling down a hill. As it rolls it gets larger (or more powerful in the case of Overwatch)

For Genji dash reset to be “snowballing” he’d need to be gaining stats or something every time dash reset. He’s not increasing in threat level when he gets a kill, he’s staying the same. He’s not gaining anything permanent that allows him to keep becoming more powerful exponentially.

So you want nanoblade to be better, easier, and overpowered? Nanoblade is already good enough, it doesn’t need the already questionable skill requirement lowered so the general playerbase can pull it off consistently without any practice.

The combo is dashing twice. Healers can’t keep up with you dashing through multiple squishies (and likely them) repeatedly for 120 damage. CC exists but people here already complain about not being able to CC him during blade as it is now, imagine trying to CC him if he could dash every second.

Gone are the days of ending his rampage by ruining his dash resets, because they are free now :smiley:

Again, this would be the best ultimate in the game unquestionably.

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That’s fine I guess, I was aiming more towards a 120 damage and ~0.85s-0.75s, but since you nerfed the damage to 110 I feel like this could work.

Yeah, but either way you’d need 2 slashes, so you’d get the reset, it’s would be the same with this change, you’d need to hit the target 2 times to kill them, then you could go to another target.
but having 170 damage means that if an enemy is already damaged the Genji can just hit them once with slash-dash and got to the next target.

When I say “missing dash”, I mean that when a Genji player is playing fast and flicks, he can a lot of the time miss his dash completely, or get his dash in a bad positioning where he can be easily punished, if they wait for too much they enemy can easily react and deal damage to them, so you don’t always have a lot of time to react as Genji if you want to be optimal, this completely gets rid of the risk of missing it.

I don’t think Nanoblade should be changed without changing all of Zarya’s grav combos, all of the EMP combos, and removing some of the power from Tank ults. After all, all of the tank ults are extremely powerful, b0ng0 being nano for your whole team, flux putting everyone one at half hp, mines being the best space denier in the game, and a big earth shatter being a won fight. Grav is also the best enabling ult in the game, and whole hog is very good at making space.

Well not Zen’s ult, it can deal damage fast enough to beat the healing of transcendence on 200HP heroes.

If you’re going against Lucio then guess who Genji is going to target first?

Over-reliance on shatter is a problem. You have the situation of “Shatter has to remain powerful to stop Genji’s ult from snowballing” Simialr for Grav, Rein and Zarya are on top way too much, their CC ults are in an arms race with Genji that everyone else loses in.

There needs to be a Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty to dial back this arms race.

What observations?

What statistics?

That’s not addressing the issue. If Genji only kills all the DPS and all the supports that is not technically a team kill as the tanks are still alive but it will almost certainly inevitably lead to a team kill as now it’s something like a 6 vs 2 fight.

THAT is the issue.

That is still snowballing.

Oh we’re back to pickrate where “high ranks” only matter where despite “high ranks” clearly being a plural only supposedly ONE SINGULAR rank (GM) matters.

Even Genji’s high pickrate in Masters doesn’t matter because that doesn’t confirm the assumption.

Grav just can’t catch as many heroes as Dragonblade, Dragonblade can jump 15m per strike.


Your point is saying it isn’t a LITERAL snowball?

You’re just making this impossible to discuss.

What did I say?

“I don’t want it to be weak.”

That isn’t remotely what I said.

The problem is it doesn’t matter how skilled you are, without damage boost you categorically CANNOT deal 200+ damage with a dash and slash. No headshots, not quick-melee interrupt. Nothing. You’re fixed absolutely at 170 damage, can’t even frag a full HP Widow.

Yet if you do have damage boost then you can.

It’s not a hard combo.

That’s not really a combo, there’s a significant time period between each attack.

Rightly so, if they could then you’d attack me for making the ultimate totally worthless and too weak.

As I said I don’t want it too weak.

Well any 200HP hero would get twice as many chances.

You wouldn’t instantly die as soon as Genji dashed towards you and followed up with slash before you can react.

That’s a good thing.

It’s too extreme a variance having it flip from potentially wiping out all the non-tanks to zero kills based on CC.

No… it’s not. I gave an example of where the term came from and you ignored everything else I said about it. I’m sure it’s a lot easier to argue things when you cut out 80% of what someone says about the topic and then say I’m making it impossible to discuss. Unbelievable.

You can look up the term, it’s about continually becoming more powerful, like a cartoon snowball, because that’s literally where the term came from. It’s been around for a long time before salty OW players started labeling Genji with it. The internet is there for you to use and I’m done babying you.

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Just to chime in here, when hog was busted, zarya is played for both her anti-hook and anti-anti (wow what a word). And BOTH ARE ON BUBBLE.

One reason I want the dashes faster is to make the ultimate a hyper mobile ability, you could travel 135m in 6 seconds, get from the spawn to the objective very quickly.

If the damage boost brought the slash above 200 damage then you wouldn’t need 2 slashes. Going from 2 attacks to one is a massive change.

Except why would a 200HP target necessarily have taken as little as 30 damage? The main difference would be to enable damage boost?

It’s one thing to one-hit-kill a hero at half health but it’s such a flip being able to 1 hit kill a hero at 100% health.

It’s always dangerous shooting Genji in what seems like a “perfect shot” the harder you try to pour damage onto Genji to harder it can be reflected back at you with deflect.

As I said, one thing that is stopping those being reined in is “You can’t nerf those ults! We need them to stop Genji’s ult!”

It’s an ult arms race that others are left in the dust.

u want to turn ninja into a reinhardt jr no thanks.