Dragon blade vs mass rez a double standard

No? 3k dragonblades are pretty rare to be honest.

very hard to counterplay

Not really, a lot of stuns screw him. Healing screws him. A lot of less powerful ults screw him. Bubbles can screw him. Boops can usually screw him. It’s useless against Tanks.

Is this post about dragonblade or nanoblade? If you said nanoblade, you’d probably be right.


honestly i dont like either ult

Genji could be killed mid ult. There’s also about 5 or 6 abilities and ults that will make dragon blade near worthless. Once mercy pressed Q that was it. You only had to hope you killed her before then.


((stares in japanese))

Its always really obvious who’s never actually played Genji in these threads.
Like really, embarrassingly, cringe-city obvious.

You have no idea how Dragonblade actually plays out do you?


LOL, I wished my Genji’s were that good.

Step 1: Stun
Step 2: Repeat Step 1

I heard that was quite rare.

While being invincible?..

Mercy has way more mobility.


heres the difference…

Better watch that masked profeniti it is a mercy thread after all.

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Also please explain to me this statement. What counterplay is there for mass rez?

What’s with the completely irrelevant topic. Mass rez is never coming back and Mercy is never receiving any significant change again. This is all completely irrelevant. Blizzard don’t treat heroes the same, they don’t care about double standards, and they don’t care if some people want a revert. Mercy is going to remain who she is from now on, with perhaps some numbers tweaking changes to improve balance. Also, Blizzard is not a friend of any of us, they only care about our money, and abide by your idea of fairness…

It is obvious the OP hasn’t played enough of Genji and bots in training area do not count as practice, no.


Usually after you hear him pop ult.

Very rare, and it’s almost always one by one.

It doesn’t ignore Zarya bubbles.

Stun, hack, sleep, Trans, Sound Barrier, Grav etc…

Yes, including Zarya bubbles.

And it’s always before she pops ult.

And it’s always 3-5 simultaneously.

All the “counterplay” involves preventing her from ulting in the first place. There’s zero counterplay once she pushes Q.

And she’ll still have her ult in the next fight.

There is no double standard.


Well for one thing, If you kill Genji, that’s the end of his ult.

If you kill Mercy, you still have 3-5 newly resurrected teammates to deal with.

I think that this is (at least) a bit of an overexageration. Rez (originally) was an instant cast ability that didn’t need LoS and had no counter play besides killing mercy (which yes, was not hard to do). I generally see Genji’s get between 2 and 4 players where as most rezes I and my friends did were 2-3 (it was always a hype moment if we got 4, screaming if it was 5). Additionally, Genji’s blade needed a bit more skill and coordination than rez did (not much cause I mean its not that hard to get at least 2-3 kills with blade…at least back then)

This said, I do understand what you are saying. With DPS ults being able to wipe teams and be fine, its odd that one ult that could undo that was considered too strong. How it was after Mercy getting invulnerability after was too strong, but it could have been tuned down/tweaked to make it less so. I just wish that they would have tweaked Rez down a bit instead of giving us Valk and the pains that followed it.

Final note, it is a bit odd how Rez was considered this horrible thing that plagued the OW community, but it was pretty powerful and something needed to be done about it. Also, DPS ults are not that easy to do.

[Later added] I will say, now that rezes are practically no longer a thing, I find that there is less care about strategically using ults. Just spew them out and see what you get (there is still a majority of games where ult strats are used and good thought put into them, but less so ever since Mass Rez/Multi-single rezes were gone.) Not trying to defend either of them, but just an observation I have been seeing.

Its not a double standard.
Multiple DPS heroes have the POTENTIAL of getting multi-kill ultimate’s. Once its activated there are plenty of ways to stop it (stuns etc) or if the player is just crap or badly positions they will die/get no value.

ONE HERO has the guaranteed effect of reviving teammates when the ultimate is cast. It doesn’t matter that she can be killed during the GA/cast time as its such a small window. Once the ultimate is cast THERE IS NOTHING you can do to stop it.
Ult economy isn’t a reason either.

In what dimension does that happen ?

But is still stopped by other defensive abilities like zarya bubbles and cyrofreeze

Stuns ,any high mobility hero won’t die to it ,tanks won’t die to it unless injured ,some defensive abilities ,some defensive ults ,knockback abilities

he can also be killed mid ult.

Not if you cast it while nobody is dead.

Hahaa checkmate.


Touche! :kissing_heart:

This would be true if Genji pressed Q from behind a wall and 5 enemies just flopped over dead.

That is not how it works though cause that would be nerfed into oblivion pretty fast

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The two ults have/had nothing alike aside from “they kill/bring people back”

There aren’t really comparable.

Somewhere in a glaxay far far away