Dpsing as a healer is a reportable offence

Or they can just play zeny?

Unless you are Zen as he was designed that way , and have to do dps to build up trans.

Same apply to Lucio as his healing is low , to build beat.

ANA & baptiste to a certain extent .

Moira is just moira…


Well since the queue time for DPS is so long and in far too many games the DPS can’t aim, might as well play Moira as a DPS/off healer

No, it isn’t. Inadequate healing to the point of incompetence, however infuriating that may be (and, especially if you’re playing tank, can be a truly tilting experience), is not a reportable offense. It should go without saying that being bad at the game is not something you can report.

The only way I could see it being reportable is if the healer is deliberately and audibly withholding healing from their team when asked. If that’s the case, then that is throwing. Otherwise, just simply being bad is not throwing.


Everything is reportable because the reporting system is automated. That doesn’t mean everything is legitimately reportable because false reporting is a real and prevalent issue in Overwatch because of the automated system.

The only time Blizzard Customer Support would look at the submitted reports is if an appeal was made against a silence or suspension.

If the Moira player is intentionally playing Moira as DPS only and not healing the team, then yes, it is reportable as Gameplay Sabotage.

This has been covered ad nauseum in another thread:

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Its not reportable in general. Its only reportable if its done on purpose. If your goal is to lose games because of that. But you can hardly ever prove it.

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Well, gosh, i guess I can’t play Zenyatta, Lucio, Brigitte, Ana, Moira, and Baptiste, since I’ll get reported for doing damage…


You forgot mercy, when you pull of pistol in ult or when you use too much dmg boost.

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Help killing a high damage character vs trying to heal all that damage (what is impossible)

In some cases it is better to assist with the kill then to heal.
Also you have a high prio targets and low prio targets for damage as well as heal.
It is in some cases better that enemy X dies then that team mate Y lives.
Also, with the random team comps, a support is in some cases the only one who contest a certain enemy hero. For example: rein zarya, mei, tracer, lucio ana.
Enemy has a widow in the back on high grounds or a pharah is shooting from range. Mei is not in comms and ignoring everything not in her freeze range.
Means if you play support on lucio you have to dive the widow. And the ana tries to snipe the pharah.

Next to this, i notice all the bad support posts.
Yes i also had a pistol only mercy in mine game, what is reportable.
But healers are not heal bots.
Most DPS and Tanks will almost never peel, and still they complain about bad support.
If someone is trying to kill me, i try to kill him back, this means no more healing.
Helping to kill him, means faster healing again for you.

Doing good healing but also good dps, on moira means very fast ult charge, where you can almost have every halve minute your ult. Not doing damage means you cant heal anymore after a while. Doing only dps will mean you build your ult charge a lot slower.

Some supports are build to do both, heal and dps.

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Man, you know what’s wild?

I had a game as Mercy, which for over 10 minutes i had no reason to pull my pistol out.
The one time i did was when i was getting flanked and wasn’t being healed by my second support. I ended up eliminating the flanker, none of my team died, and went back to healing.

My DPS player heard the pistol noises and said, “wow, report our mercy for using pistol.”

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So if I’m playing Brig I should just stand there only tossing out an armor pack every six seconds?

Absolutely, Brig isn’t the tank/support hybrid she was at launch anymore. She sorta NEEDS to stay in the backline now, she gets shredded hella fast otherwise…

It’s reportable if you only do damage and don’t do healing.

Yeah, i agree, but that isn’t gonna stop ppl from falsely reporting because they see Ana or Mercy in the killfeed once.

The more damage you do the less you have to heal. Obviously the focus for a support is to heal but being able to harass or eliminate certain heroes is very important.

Ability usage is also another huge factor.

Too illustrate what I mean I uploaded a clip from a game I had an hour ago.

My focus here was genguru because if he got to unleash his blade on us, no heal in the world would be able to stop him, ok Zen trans if he would be slow perhaps but you get my point. Note that I fail in the end of the clip only because I had to click F9 to record it which kind of ended up killing the Rein.

well right now I’ve got an alt that is silenced in game

have never used the coms at all

even let support know that

and they just keep closing the ticket copy paste canned response
of no overturning anything

so this goes to show how broken the system is and how report happy entire community is

also when others “rally” for reports in all chat against others
that really should be an instantly bannable offence

it’s a great bully system

Yeah, I’ve had the same thing happen.

I’ve even been told by Blizzard Customer Support that false reporting doesn’t exist!

They also tried to tell me that they can’t overturn silences or suspensions on console as it’s up to Microsoft/Sony. Not surprisingly, Microsoft/Sony tell you that it’s Blizzard’s game so it’s Blizzard’s responsibility. You tell that to Blizzard’s Customer Service and they close your ticket.

And given that smurf accounts are free to make on console it really is the inmates running the asylum on Xbox & PS4.

Players trolling/griefing/throwing with no fear of getting silenced/suspended because they can just make another account, and false reporting is rampant.

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Another genius here, why dont we just remove every weapon from supports then?
I have games where I am only healing, getting up to 3000 heal/min and still getting stomped hard because were only standing there watching our shield break.

Easiest wins are the ones where I can make plays and even though I only have around 900 dmg and 900 heals / min its still worth a lot more.

And guess what the games where I have 3000 heals in a min the tanks complain there is no healing switch bap. The games I am killing more than the dps nobody complains about heals.

you can get reported for being toxic…when toxic is you asking dps to play a hitscan to counter pharah…asking genji to switch becuase hes hard countered by sombra, mei, winston and moira…i could go on…or i should go on…but maybe in a different thread.

the safer approach is to just play anna…counter pharah…and if anyone complains about healing just say you’re doing your best, but pharah is making it hard to heal.
usually works.